12.06.2024>>>We are now accepting newest short films entries (animation, fiction, documentary, experiment-music-dance-poetry etc.) for LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2025 - EUROPANORAMA 2025 until 31.05.2025!!!>>>you can now submit your new short film entry here: https://filmfreeway.com/LjubljanaInternationalShortFilmFestival-EUROPANORAMA
11.06.2024>>>LISFF 2024 – EUROPANOMA will organize short films evenings in CELJE (SLO) in frame of 1. CELJE FILM&ARTS FESTIVAL 2024 at the Youth Culture Center MCC – Celjski mladinski center (Mariborska cesta 2, Celje) showing »the best short films selection« from 2024 edition of the festival. All screenings are planned to be organized open-air in the garden of MCC on 2 evenings between 25. & 26.06.2024 (20.30-22.00); ENTRANCE FREE!!!@1. CELJE FILM&ARTS FESTIVAL 2024 v sodelovanju z LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL – LISFF 2024 in Europanorama /SloKinoBus/ predstavlja najnovejše evropske in mednarodne kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi žanre kot so fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film iz različnih držav;@organizacijo dogodka podpira Mestna občina Celje;
10.06.2024>>>We have now successfully presented 2024 edition of LISFF2024. Thanks for all participating filmmakers with their short films in the final programmings of LISFF2024 as well as small scale Ljubljana audiences attending open-air films screenings in the garden of Hostel&Gallery CELICA during all festival days in Ljubljana. Festival was non-competitive in season 2024.
08.06.2024>>>TONIGHT/TONIGHT!@day3 HAPPENING NOW!!! Ljubljana International Short Film Festival 2024 WHEN?>4 film evenings: 06.06.2024 - 09.06.2024 /20.30-22.30/, open-air in the garden of Hostel CELICA (Metelkova 8, Ljubljana); ENTRANCE FREE@vstop prost!!! SHORT FILMS ARE BEST FILMS>>> Festival is showing 38 short films from 30 different countries!!!
FROM PAST EDITIONS OF LISFF - EUROPANORAMA>>> "The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful. I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them."…audience comment at LISFF / Europanorama & NORDIC FILM DAYS 2018/2019©LISFF - TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR – EUROPANORAMA & NORDIC FILM DAYS 2018-2024
07.06.2024>>>HAPPENING NOW!!! Ljubljana International Short Film Festival 2024; WHEN?>4 film evenings: 06.06.2024 - 09.06.2024 /20.30-22.30/; WHERE?>open-air screenings in the garden: CELICA (Metelkova 8, Ljubljana)@ENTRANCE FREE!!!
03.06.2024>>>Final selection and screening schedule for LISFF2024 in Ljubljana is now available here below! All screenings will take place between 06.06.2024 - 09.06.2024 in open-air version (20.30-22.30) in the garden of hostel&gallery CELICA (Metelkova 8, Ljubljana), in the very centre of Ljubljana!@ENTRANCE FREE;
LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2024 v sodelovanju z Europanorama in SloKinoBus predstavlja najnovejše evropske in mednarodne kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi žanre kot so fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film iz različnih držav (Slovenija, Japonska, Belgija, Češka, Hrvaška, Španija, Brazilija, Nemčija, Estonija, Norveška, Ukrajina, Palestina, UK, Egipt, Alžirija, ZDA, Španija, Avstrija, Turčija, Južna Afrika, Poljska, Portugalska, Švica, Albanija, Italija, Madžarska, Rusija, Bolgarija, Srbija, Nizozemska, Grčija, BiH, Izrael, Francija, Kitajska itd.); Na festival je prispelo veliko število zanimivih in ustvarjalnih kratkih filmov iz 62 držav iz celega sveta!
Ljubljana International Short Film Festival 2024 is presenting selection of newest European and international short films of different styles and approaches (animation, experiment, fiction, experiment and documentary) from different countries; The programming offers a glimpse into the contemporary European and international filmmaking. LISFF2024 received many creative short films productions from 62 different countries from all around the globe!
14.05.2024>>>We are still accepting late short films submissions /until 30.05.2024/ to Ljubljana International Short Film Festival - LISFF2024 which is now scheduled to take place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) between 06.06.2024 - 09.06.2024 in open-air version in the garden of hostel&gallery CELICA in the very centre of Ljubljana! Final selection and screening schedule is under running preparations!!! We have received great short films submissions from more than 50 different countries from all around the world until now!!!@more information coming soon; SHORT FILMS ARE BEST FILMS!!!
18.07.2023>>>We are now accepting short films entries for LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2024 - EUROPANORAMA 2024 until 30.05.2024!!!>>>you can submit your short film entry here: https://filmfreeway.com/LjubljanaInternationalShortFilmFestival-EUROPANORAMA
16.07.2023>>> SLOKINOBUS2023 je v Radencih ob Kolpi>>>16.7. - 19.7.2023; Kanu kamp Kolpa: PROGRAM>>>16.7.2023 - NE POZABI DIHATI - Tretji celovečerni film režiserja Martina Turka; Martin je bil rojen leta 1978 v Trstu, študij filmski režije je končal na ljubljanski AGRFT, njegovi filmi pa so bili predstavljeni na nekaterih najbolj prestižnih filmskih festivalih, med drugim tudi v Cannesu; 17.7.2023 - novi slovenski in evropski kratki filmi; 18.7.2023 - novi slovenski in evropski kratki filmi; 19.7.2023 - novi slovenski in evropski kratki filmi; VSTOP PROST!!!@projekcije vsak večer ob 21.00;///slovenski film na poti///projekt podpira MINISTRSTVO ZA KULTURO RS
16.07.2023>>> Open-Air summer cinema of EUROPANORAMA 2023 is in Ljubljana (SLOKINOBUS2023)!!! 16.07.2023 /21.00-22.00/ NORDIC FILM BAZAAR 2023 – selekcija novih Skadinavskih kratkih filmov (animacija);@new Nordic short films!!! Summer garden - HOSTEL CELICA (Metelkova 8, 1000 Ljubljana) https://www.hostelcelica.com/sl/dogodki/ @101 short films of EUROPANORAMA – educational screenings – non/competitive programhmings – new audiences & more!!! VSTOP PROST!!! – entrance free/// /SLO/ »Europanorama 2023 (SloKinoBus) predstavlja najnovejše evropske in mednarodne kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre, kot so fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film.« /ENG/ LISFF – EUROPANORAMA presents annually around 100 shorts from all over Europe and the world and organizes small scale meetings, networkings opportunities, talks, creative events, performances, in support to developments of film and cinema cultures across Europe and beyond. @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/>>>projekcije SLOKINOBUS2023 podpira Turizem Ljubljana
23.06.2023>>> Open-Air summer cinema of EUROPANORAMA 2023 is in Ljubljana (SLOKINOBUS2023)!!! 02.07.2023 /21.00-22.00/ ZOOM CROATIA 2023 – selekcija novih hrvaških kratkih filmov (animacija);@new Croatian short films!!! Summer garden - HOSTEL CELICA (Metelkova 8, 1000 Ljubljana) https://www.hostelcelica.com/sl/dogodki/ @101 short films of EUROPANORAMA – educational screenings – non/competitive programhmings – new audiences & more!!! VSTOP PROST!!! – entrance free/// /SLO/ »Europanorama 2023 (SloKinoBus) predstavlja najnovejše evropske in mednarodne kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre, kot so fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film.« /ENG/ LISFF – EUROPANORAMA presents annually around 100 shorts from all over Europe and the world and organizes small scale meetings, networkings opportunities, talks, creative events, performances, in support to developments of film and cinema cultures across Europe and beyond. @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/>>>projekcije SLOKINOBUS2023 podpira Turizem Ljubljana
22.06.2023>>> Open-Air summer cinema of EUROPANORAMA 2023 is in Ljubljana (SLOKINOBUS2023)!!! 25.06.2023 /21.00-22.00/; ZOOM GERMANY 2023 – selekcija novih nemških kratkih filmov (animacija, igrani, dokumentarni);@new German short films!!! Summer garden - HOSTEL CELICA (Metelkova 8, 1000 Ljubljana) https://www.hostelcelica.com/sl/dogodki/ @101 short films of EUROPANORAMA – educational screenings – non/competitive programmings – new audiences & more!!! VSTOP PROST!!! – entrance free/// /SLO/ »Europanorama 2023 (SloKinoBus) predstavlja najnovejše evropske in mednarodne kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre, kot so fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film.« /ENG/ LISFF – EUROPANORAMA presents annually around 100 shorts from all over Europe and the world and organizes small scale meetings, networkings opportunities, talks, creative events, performances, in support to developments of film and cinema cultures across Europe and beyond. @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/>>>projekcije SLOKINOBUS2023 podpira Turizem Ljubljana
21.06.2023>>> Diploma award for the Best short film of EUROPANORAMA 2023 in »Competition Program« was given to short film>>>……Chicken noodle soup (Dir. Kaća Žarić, MONTENEGRO)……;@congratulations!!! We are now looking forward to the upcoming 2024 edition of LISFF – EUROPANORAMA;
19.06.2023>>> LISFF – EUROPANORAMA 2023 will show its 3rd screening block of »In Competition Program« on 20.6.2023; vstop prost /entrance free!!!/ 20.6.2023 /21.00-22.00/; Kavarna TABOR (Tabor 13, 1000 Ljubljana) PROGRAM>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 (In Competition Selection – BLOCK nr.3): Sex relish (Dir. Ananda Safo, 12min., FRANCE) - Seams (Dir. Sierra Nutkevitch, 13min., UNITED STATES) - The Choice to Love (Dir. Anna Dvorak, 12min., AUSTRALIA) - Burial (Dir. Jerzy Czachowski, 15min., POLAND) - Shakira (Dir. Noémie Merlant, 20min., FRANCE) @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/>>>projekcije SLOKINOBUS2023 podpira Turizem Ljubljana
17.06.2023>>> HAPPENING NOW!!!@LISFF – EUROPANORAMA 2023 will show its 2nd screening block of »In Competition Program« on 18.6.2023; vstop prost /entrance free!!!/; 18.6.2023 /21.00-22.00/ Summer garden - HOSTEL CELICA (Metelkova 8, 1000 Ljubljana) PROGRAM>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 (In Competition Selection – BLOCK nr.2): Time to Revolt (Dir. Daniel Le Hai, 14min., POLAND) - Sun & Shadow (Dir. Melina Loukanidou, 15min., GREECE) - Love Bubbles (Dir. Marcel Hobi, 8min., SWITZERLAND) - Takbir (Dir. Jordi Calvet, 15min., SPAIN) - Friendship (Dir. José Luis Isoard Arrubarrena, 8min., MEXICO)/// @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/>>>projekcije SLOKINOBUS2023 podpira Turizem Ljubljana
16.06.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 is showing its "In Competition Program" in Ljubljana (SLO) now between 15.06.2023 - 20.06.2023; 15 short films are in consideration for "Best short film of EUROPANORAMA" diploma award. The winner will be announced after 20.06.2023///
15.06.2023>>> LISFF – EUROPANORAMA 2023 will show its 3rd screening block of »In Competition Program« on 20.6.2023; vstop prost /entrance free!!!/ 20.6.2023 /21.00-22.00/ Kavarna TABOR (Tabor 13, 1000 Ljubljana) PROGRAM>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 (In Competition Selection – BLOCK nr.3): Sex relish (Dir. Ananda Safo, 12min., FRANCE) - Seams (Dir. Sierra Nutkevitch, 13min., UNITED STATES) - The Choice to Love (Dir. Anna Dvorak, 12min., AUSTRALIA) - Burial (Dir. Jerzy Czachowski, 15min., POLAND) - Shakira (Dir. Noémie Merlant, 20min., FRANCE) @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/>>>projekcije SLOKINOBUS2023 podpira Turizem Ljubljana
14.06.2023>>> EUROPANORAMA 2023 was in Koper (Slovenia)!!! @showing non-competitive short films program/// Foto utrinki /1. Koper International Film Festival 2023/ HVALA VSEM OBISKOVALCEM! 12.6. & 13.6.2023, Taverna, Koper (SLO) www.koperfilmfest.blogspot.com @glavni partner festivala: Mestna občina KOPER
14.06.2023>>> LISFF – EUROPANORAMA 2023 will show its 2nd screening block of »In Competition Program« on 18.6.2023; vstop prost /entrance free!!!/ 18.6.2023 /21.00-22.00/ Summer garden - HOSTEL CELICA (Metelkova 8, 1000 Ljubljana) PROGRAM>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 (In Competition Selection – BLOCK nr.2): Time to Revolt (Dir. Daniel Le Hai, 14min., POLAND) - Sun & Shadow (Dir. Melina Loukanidou, 15min., GREECE) - Love Bubbles (Dir. Marcel Hobi, 8min., SWITZERLAND) - Takbir (Dir. Jordi Calvet, 15min., SPAIN) - Friendship (Dir. José Luis Isoard Arrubarrena, 8min., MEXICO) @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/>>>projekcije SLOKINOBUS2023 podpira Turizem Ljubljana
13.06.2023>>> LISFF – EUROPANORAMA 2023 will show its »In Competition Program« on the 15.6. (Block1), 18.6. (Block2) & 20.6.2023 (Block3) in Ljubljana (Slovenia); »Europanorama 2023 (SloKinoBus) predstavlja najnovejše evropske in mednarodne kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre, kot so fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film.« 15.6.2023 /21.00-22.00/; Kavarna TABOR (Tabor 13, 1000 Ljubljana)/// PROGRAM>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 (In Competition Selection – BLOCK nr.1): Xenia (Dir. Alexander Kakouris, 11min., GREECE) - Chicken noodle soup (Dir. Kaća Žarić, 17min., MONTENEGRO) - Season (Dir. Giovanna Lopalco, 8min., FRANCE) - Adrift (Dir. Simon Kamp, 19min., DENMARK) - On / Off (Dir. Nicolas P. Villarreal, 7min., ARGENTINA) >>> @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/
10.06.2023>>> LISFF – EUROPANORAMA 2023 will show its non-competitive program of new European shorts in Koper (Slovenia) in frame of our new event »1. Koper International Film Festival 2023« between 12.6. & 13.6.2023 at TAVERNA;@entrance free!!!>>> We have received large number of short films productions from around 40 different countries for EUROPANORAMA 2023. 15 short films made it into the Official Selection for Competition for »Best short film of EUROPANORAMA 2023« award (diploma):
EUROPANORAMA 2023 Official selection of short films for Competition will be presented in Ljubljana on 15.6.2023 in garden of cafe TABOR and afterwards on 18.6.& 25.6.2023 in the garden of culture gallery and venue CELICA; information on the upcomig film shows and screening schedules will be announced continually in coming days;
LISFF – EUROPANORAMA presents annually around 100 shorts from all over Europe and the world and organizes small scale meetings, networkings opportunities, talks, creative events, performances, in support to developments of film and cinema cultures across Europe and beyond.
09.06.2023>>> LISFF – EUROPANORAMA 2023 will show its non-competitive program of new European shorts in Koper (Slovenia) in frame of our new event »1. Koper International Film Festival 2023« between 12.6. & 13.6.2023 at TAVERNA;@entrance free!!!>>> Competitive selection of EUROPANORAMA 2023 will be presented in Ljubljana on 15.6.2023 in garden of cafe TABOR and afterwards on 18.6.2023 in the garden of culture gallery and venue CELICA; information on the upcomig film shows and screening schedules will be announced continually in coming days; LISFF – EUROPANORAMA presents annually around 100 shorts from all over Europe and the world and organizes small scale meetings, networkings opportunities, talks, creative events, performances, in support to developments of film and cinema cultures across Europe and beyond. @slokinobus – dokubazaar – eu film festival – Ljubljana international short film festival /LISFF/
06.06.2023>>> EUROPANORAMA 2023 – Ljubljana Interational Short Film Festival 2023 will be presenting 101 newest short films (animation, fictions, documentary) from all over Europe and the world in competitive and non-competitive sections. Our main events will be organized in Ljubljana and other Slovenian cities in June & July 2023; Final short films selection in Competition for “DIPLOMA for BEST SHORT FILM of EUROPANORAMA 2023“ will be announced on Saturday 10.6.2023; >>> EUROPANORAMA 2023 will also be presenting Non-competitive sections>>> ZOOM BELGIUM 2023 ZOOM CROATIA 2023 ZOOM GERMANY 2023 ZOOM SWEDEN 2023 NORDIC FILM BAZAAR 2023 EUROMIX 2023 >>> EUROPANORAMA 2023 will start its events and screenings between 12.6. & 13.6.2023 in Koper (Slovenia) at culture venue TAVERNA and afterwards we will organize film shows in Ljubljana (Slovenia) at the culture café TABOR on 15.6.2023 and in garden of culture venue CELICA on 18.6.2023; >>>Information on all other upcoming film shows, festival stops, events, screening schedules and selections in season 2023 will be published continutally; with support from Koper Municipality and Turizem Ljubljana;
30.05.2023>>>We have received large number of short films submissions from around 40 different countries to the LISFF - EUROPANORAMA 2023@we start our festival events and film shows in June 2023///more info on final selections, locations and screening schedules will be available soon!!!
20.04.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 - We accept short films productions from all EU and European countries as well as other countries from all over the world produced after 2019. You can submit your short film here: https://filmfreeway.com/LjubljanaInternationalShortFilmFestival-EUROPANORAMA
"EUROPANORAMA is a people for people film festival that celebrates short films, culture, art, media and cinema and does not follow political and commercial mainstreams in film and cinema industries"
16.04.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 /european film days/ will be in TALLINN (ESTONIA) between 26.04. & 27.04.2023 at art cinema Kino SuperNova (Narva mnt 27, 10120 Tallinn) www.kinosupernova.ee "EUROPANORAMA 2023 /european film days/ travelling film festival and moving cinema project across Europe is presenting selection of newest European and int. short films of different styles and approaches (animation, experiment, fiction and documentary) from young European and international film directors. The programming offers a glimpse into the contemporary European as well as int. filmmaking..." FINAL PROGRAM & SCREENING SCHEDULE for EUROPANORAMA 2023 in TALLINN (ESTONIA)>>> 26.04.2023 (12.30-14.30) - Screenings of EUROMIX selection of newest European short films from different European countries (Croatia, Germany, France, Belgium, Scotland, Georgia & more!)/// 27.04.2023 (17.00-19.00) - Screenings of new Nordic short films in section EUROMIX 2023 and new Australian short films in special guest section ZOOM AUSTRALIA 2023/// @special guest section ZOOM AUSTRALIA 2023 is being organized with support from the Australian Embassy in Estonia
30.03.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 /european film days/ will be in TAMPERE (FINLAND)!!! 1.4. - 2.4. & 6.4.2023///> EUROPANORAMA 2023 - European Film Days moving cinema/festival project will be in TAMPERE (Finland) showing new European shorts from all over Europe!!! WHERE? Culture center LAIKKU, Keskustori 4, Tampere; FREE ENTRY/// @under official Patronage from the European Parliament & organized with support from the Spanish Embassy in Helsinki, Tampere Municipality www.tampere.fi and Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation/// PROGRAM>>>/// 1.4.2023 (15.30-17.30) - ZOOM SPAIN 2023 selection of Spanish short films & NORDIC FILM DAYS 2023 selection of short films from Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Sweden 2.4.2023 (15.30 - 17.30) - ZOOM SPAIN 2023 selection of Spanish short films & EUROMIX selection of short films from across Europe 6.4.2023 (18.30-20.30) - ZOOM SPAIN 2023 selection of Spanish short films & ZOOM SWEDEN 2023 - EUROMIX selection of short films from across Europe///
28.03.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 /european film days/ will be in TAMPERE (FINLAND)!!!>>>screening schedule is available here>>>https://www.facebook.com/ShortFilmsMigratingCinema
06.03.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 - Ljubljana International Short Film Festival 2023///ENTER YOUR FILM - info on rules and submissions>>>https://filmfreeway.com/LjubljanaInternationalShortFilmFestival-EUROPANORAMA
05.03.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 will be in TAMPERE (FINLAND) on 01.04.202023 - 02.04.2023 and 06.04.2023@more info on screening schedule will be published in coming days - EUROPANORAMA 2023 - European film days in Tampere presenting new European shorts & docs; - Culture center LAIKKU (Tampere, Finland), Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere (FINLAND) - EUROPANORAMA 2023 travelling film festival and moving cinema project is presenting selection of newest European short films of different styles and approaches (animation, experiment, fiction and documentary) from young European film directors. The programming offers a glimpse into the contemporary European filmmaking.///Presented by Alexander Niskac d.o.o. in charge of Ljubljana International Short Film Festival and TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR///Opening event is organized under Patronage of the European Parliament. Special focus section ZOOM SPAIN 2023 is supported by Spanish Embassy in Helsinki. Whole event is organized with support from Tampere Municipality. FREE ENTRY
01.01.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 is coming soon in season 2023 to cinemas, culture venues and open-air spaces across different European cites and countries - Ljubljana (Slovenia), Tampere (Finland), Riga (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia), Graz (Austria), Zagreb (Croatia) and more!!!📽101 short films of EUROPANORAMA 2023 - final programmings, screening schedules and film selections are under construction🎞more info coming soon in February@opening event of EUROPANORAMA for season 2023 will be organized under the official Patronage of the European Parliament>>>more info coming soon!!!
09.06.2022>>>SLOKINOBUS2022 open-air cinema across Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) will be showing EUROPANORAMA 2022 film programming outdoors on 14.6.2022 at the terrase & garden of cafe KIPARNA in the centre of Ljubljana///with support from Visit Ljubljana & Culture Ireland///WELCOME!!! "EUROPANORAMA 2022 (SloKinoBus2022), projekcije evropskih kratkih filmov na prostem v Ljubljani (Tuesday 14.6.2022, kavarna KIPARNA/Grudnovo nabrežje 3, Ljubljana, 20.30-22.00, vstop prost)>>> Dogodek EUROPANORAMA 2022 (SloKinoBus2022) izpostavlja nove evropske kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre (fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film). Predstavlja prodorne mlajše režiserke in režiserje iz več kot 15 evropskih držav ter ponuja zanimiv vpogled v novo kinematografijo kratkega formata evropskega filma. EUROPANORAMA 2022 je potujoči kino projekt s programom, ki presega meje in se trudi enakopravno zastopa tako režiserke kot režiserje iz skoraj vseh evropskih držav. Gre za trenutno edini filmski dogodek v Evropi s programom, ki poudarja enakost spolov. Vse projekcije so brezplačne. Projekcije so organizirane s podporo JSKD, Culture Ireland in Visit Ljubljana."
09.06.2022>>>& Our next cinema stop for moving European film days EUROPANORAMA 2022 across Europe will be GRAZ (AUSTRIA) at the arthouse cinema FILMZENTRUM IM RECHBAUERKINO www.filmzentrum.com between 13-14-june2022!!!@ENTRANCE FREE / WELCOME!!!
09.06.2022>>>EUROPANORAMA 2022 and DOKUBAZAAR 2022 will take place on different occassions open-air across Ljubljana (SLO) and in different cities across Slovenia as well as in art house cinemas across Europe (Latvia, Austria, Croatia, Iceland, Czechia & more) in period between 01.06.2022 – 31.10.2022 /more info will be available continually on our Transit Film Bazaar FB profile////LJUBLJANA (SLO) – RIGA (LATVIA) – GRAZ (AUSTRIA) – ZAGREB (CROATIA) – REYKJAVIK (ICELAND) – OSLO (NORWAY) – JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) – BEIRUT (LEBANON) – BUDAPEST (HUNGARY) – MUNICH (GERMANY) – COPENHAGEN (DENMARK) – HELSINKI (FINLAND) – BELGRADE (SERBIA) – SKOPJE (Rep. OF NORTH MACEDONIA) – NIKSIC (MONTENEGRO) – SOFIA (BULGARIA) – TIRANA (ALBANIA) – PRISHTINA (KOSOVO) – TALLINN (ESTONIA) – WIEN (AUSTRIA) & more!!!@2022/2023 "www.lisff.blogspot.com" "www.lidff.blogspot.com" DOKUBAZAAR 2022 film education events of EUROPANORAMA 2022 are under the Official Patronage of the European Parliament/// @with support from JSKD - Culture Ireland - Turizem Ljubljana and other partners and supporters in season 2022
06.06.2022>>>SLOKINOBUS2022 open-air cinema across Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) will be showing EUROPANORAMA 2022 film programming outdoors on 8.6.2022 at the cafe TABOR in the centre of Ljubljana///with support from Visit Ljubljana & Culture Ireland/// EUROPANORAMA 2022 (SloKinoBus2022), projekcije evropskih kratkih filmov na prostem v Ljubljani (8.6.2022, kavarna Tabor/Športno društvo Tabor, Tabor 13, Ljubljana, 20.30-22.00, vstop prost)>>> Dogodek EUROPANORAMA 2022 (SloKinoBus2022) izpostavlja nove evropske kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre (fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film). Predstavlja prodorne mlajše režiserke in režiserje iz več kot 15 evropskih držav ter ponuja zanimiv vpogled v novo kinematografijo kratkega formata evropskega filma. EUROPANORAMA 2022 je potujoči kino projekt s programom, ki presega meje in se trudi enakopravno zastopa tako režiserke kot režiserje iz skoraj vseh evropskih držav. Gre za trenutno edini filmski dogodek v Evropi s programom, ki poudarja enakost spolov. Vse projekcije so brezplačne. Projekcije so organizirane s podporo JSKD, Culture Ireland in Visit Ljubljana.
06.06.2022>>>Our next EUROPANORAMA 2022 travelling cinema show will be in ZAGREB (CROATIA) at culture venue KIC www.kic.hr between 8-9-june2022🎬🎬🎬 ©transit film bazaar///eu cinema van/film education/new audiences/youth/gender equal programmings/travelling cinema🎥organized with support from Culture Ireland E U R O P A N O R A M A 2022@promoting new EU, European cinema worldwide🎥 ShortFilmsAreBestFilms@transitfilmbazaar/// Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!!!
25.05.2022>>>SOON in Reykjavik (ICELAND)!!! European short film days EUROPANORAMA 2022 are finally planning also to reach out to local audiences in REYKJAVIK (ICELAND) in the beginning of August 2022 at art house cinema BIO PARADIS in the centre of the city www.bioparadis.is ///EUROPANORAMA 2022 will screen new European short films (fiction, documentary, animation, experiment) from more than 15 different countries including special focus sections ZOOM GERMANY 2022 and ZOOM IRELAND 2022///with support from the Goethe Institute in Copenhagen and Culture Ireland///entrance free!!!@more info coming soon!!!@TransitFilmBazaar
25.05.2022>>>COMING SOON!!!@EUROPANORAMA 2022 v Ljubljani (Slovenija) 1-2-3-junij2022>>>HOSTEL CELICA (Metelkova 8, 1000 Ljubljana) www.hostelcelica.com VSTOP PROST///Dogodek EUROPANORAMA 2022 izpostavlja nove evropske kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre (fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film). Predstavlja prodorne mlajše režiserke in režiserje iz več kot 15 evropskih držav ter ponuja zanimiv vpogled v novo kinematografijo kratkega formata evropskega filma. EUROPANORAMA 2022 je potujoči kino projekt s programom, ki presega meje in se trudi enakopravno zastopa tako režiserke kot režiserje iz skoraj vseh evropskih držav. Gre za trenutno edini filmski dogodek v Evropi s programom, ki poudarja enakost spolov. Vse projekcije so brezplačne. "European short film days EUROPANORAMA 2022 will be in Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) screening new European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experiment) at the culture venue Hostel CELICA www.hostelcelica.com between 1-2-3/june2022 showing films OPEN-AIR in the garden///final programming and screening schedule for LJUBLJANA is now available here below - ENTRANCE FREE!!!@with support from JSKD (Slovak Film Days - ZOOM SLOVAKIA 2022 and Culture Ireland (ZOOM IRELAND 2022)" ///TransitFilmBazaar
DOKUBAZAAR 2022 (human rights film education) screenings as part of EUROPANORAMA 2022 events are presented under the Official Patronage of the European Parliament
25.05.2022>>>European short film days EUROPANORAMA 2022 will be in Riga (LATVIA) screening new European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experiment) at art house cinema KINO BIZE www.kinobize.lv between 1-2-june2022///final programming and screening schedule for RIGA is now available below - ENTRANCE FREE!!!@with support from Spanish Embassy in Riga (ZOOM SPAIN 2022) and Culture Ireland (ZOOM IRELAND 2022)///
05.05.2022///EUROPANORAMA 2022 across Europe is coming soon in June in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Riga (Latvia) presenting more then 60 newest European short and documentary films in the planned programmings for all planned European cities!!!🎬more info coming soon🎥 www.lisff.blogspot.com www.lidff.blogspot.com 📸SLOVENIA - LATVIA - ESTONIA - AUSTRIA - CROATIA - ICELAND & more!!! ©️supporting partners in 2022 - JSKD /Slovak Film Days - Dokubazaar2022/, Culture Ireland /europanorama - zoom ireland2022/, Spanish Embassy in Riga /zoom spain2022/ & more!!!
30.03.2022>>>Our upcoming film & cinema events EUROPANORAMA 2022 across Europe - DOKUBAZAAR 2022 /human rights documentary film festival/ and SLOKINOBUS 2022 are coming soon to be organized indoors as well as outdoors in period May 2022 - December 2022 with new European short and documentary films programmings!!!@more info coming soon after 01.05.2022 ...SLOVENIA - LATVIA - ESTONIA - AUSTRIA - CROATIA - MONTENEGRO - ICELAND - FINLAND - NORWAY & more!!!... ///supporting partners in 2022 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia /dokubazaar2022/, Culture Ireland /europanorama - zoom ireland2022/, Patronage of the European Parliament & more!!!
01.10.2021>>>EUROPANORAMA - European short films days on the move from Ljubljana (SLO) via Tallinn (Estonia) to Beirut (Lebanon) and beyond!!! & DOKUBAZAAR - human rights documentary film days in Slovenia and across Europe & more!!!@film education - short films - documentary films - humans rights education - travelling cinema - new audiences & more!!!
24.09.2021>>>EUROPANORAMA 2021 - European film days on the move will be in GRAZ (AUSTRIA) between 4-5-6-october2021 showing new European shorts and docs at the arthouse cinema FILMZENTRUM im RECHBAUERKINO www.filmzentrum.com in the very center of Graz@entrance free!!!@film education - new audiences - human rights films education - travelling cinema & more!!!
20.09.2021>>>EUROPANORAMA 2021 - European film days on the move will be in ZAGREB (CROATIA) between 27-28-29-september2021 showing new European shorts and docs at the culture venue KIC www.kic.hr in the very center of Zagreb@entrance free!!!
14.09.2021>>>SLOKINOBUS2021 open-air cinema across Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) is showing European and int. short films (fiction, animation, doc and experiment) at different public locations, in gardens and at terraces of cafes and venues across whole Ljubljana in summer 2021!!!@with support from TURIZEM LJUBLJANA///film education - human rights education - travelling open/air cinema & more!!!
04.09.2021>>>Transit Film Bazaar - EUROPANORAMA and Ljubljana Int. Short Film Festival were in KOPER (SLOVENIA) in charge of 1. KOPER SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL 2021 between 23 - 27 august 2021@supported by the Municipality of KOPER www.koper.si
03.09.2021>>>EUROPANORAMA 2021 will be in TALLINN (ESTONIA) between 14-15-16-september-2021 at art cinema KINO ARTIS www.kino.ee presenting new European, Irish and Australian (special guest section) shorts and docs!!!@with support from Culture Ireland - Australian Embassy in Stockholm///entrance free!!!
02.09.2021>>>EU short film days EUROPANORAMA 2021/2022 will soon be on the move to ZAGREB (CROATIA) at culture venue KIC www.kic.hr betwen 27-28-29-september 2021 and to GRAZ (AUSTRIA) between 4-5-6-october-2021 at art cinema FILMZENTRUM im RECHBAUERKINO www.filmzentrum.com@more info on film programmings and screening schedule will be available soon!!!
01.09.2021>>>EUROPANORAMA 2021 was in RIGA (LATVIA) at art cinema KINO BIZE www.kinobize.lv between 24-25-26-august-2021!!!
NEWS@20.08.2021///Transit Film Bazaar will organize 1. KOPER SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL 2021 between 23 - 27 august 2021@culture4all
NEWS@20.08.2021///Transit Film Bazaar was in the villages of RADENCI (SLO) between 25 - 28 july 2021 and STARI TRG OB KOLPI (SLO) on 12 august 2021 organizing 1. BELA KRAJINA FILM & ARTS FESTIVAL 2021 in summer 2021@with support from the Municipality of Crnomelj - AKRAPOVIC - VIZIR
NEWS!!!20.08.2021@Transit Film Bazaar is in charge of 1. KOPER SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL 2021 taking place in Koper (Slovenia) between 23 - 27 august 2021 open-air in village of Zazid and city of Koper in the garden of Pokrajinski Muzej Koper@culture4all///supported by the Municipality of Koper www.koper.si
NEWS@17.08.2021>>>Transit Film Bazaar will be on international tour with travelling EUROPANORAMA 2021 in RIGA (LATVIA) at art cinema KINO BIZE wwww.kinobize.lv between 24 - 26 august 2021 presenting newest European, Irish and Australian shorts and docs@supported by Culture Ireland and Australian Embassy in Stockholm
NEWS@31.07.2021>>>Transit Film Bazaar was in AJDOVSCINA (SLO) between 10 - 17 august 2021 in charge of 1st street arts festival AJDOVSCINA FILM & ARTS FESTIVAL 2021///supported by the Municipality of Ajdovscina www.ajdovscina.si
NEWS@16.06.2021///Transit Film Bazaar will show ZOOM AUSTRALIA 2021 shorts and docs film evenings in RIGA (Latvia) and TALLINN (Estonia) in the end of August 2021!!!@supported by the Australian Embassy in Stockholm (Sweden)/// 🎥 EUROPANORAMA 2021 is now booked for the end of August to be presented at art cinema Kino Bize www.kinobize.lv in RIGA (LATVIA) and art cinema Artis www.kino.ee in TALLINN (ESTONIA)!!!After the limited edition of EUROPANORAMA 2020 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Celje (Slovenia) in March 2020, Open-Air KolpaShortFilmFest in September 2020, Film education Open-Air cinema for kids in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in September 2020 and latest EUROPANORAMA cinema stop in Riga (LATVIA) in November 2020 we are now ready for the upcoming season 2021!!! @More than 80 newest European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experimental) from more than 25 European countries are now ready to be presented in the planned programmings of our travelling EUROPANORAMA 2021!!!@info on all selected films will be published in comings weeks🎬our film program will be gender equal 50/50 and we plan to screen from OSLO (NORWAY) via RIGA (LATVIA) & Ljubljana (Slovenia) as well as other Slovenian cities (Ajdovscina, Koper, Celje, Radenci, Metlika...), PRAGUE (CZECHIA), BELGRADE (SERBIA), VILNIUS (LITHUANIA), TALLINN (ESTONIA), REYKJAVIK (ICELAND), GRAZ (AUSTRIA), ZAGREB (CROATIA) to ACCRA (GHANA) & more!!! between June2021 - December2021/// www.lisff.blogspot.com www.lidff.blogspot.com
NEWS@16.06.2021 D O K U B A Z A A R Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia) 7 - 11 JUNE 2021 www.lidff.blogspot.com @coming soon with more human rights film education screenings and events across Slovenia & more!!!///between July - December 2021///stay tuned for more info in coming days🎥DOKUBAZAAR human rights documentary MOBILE CINEMA 4 ALL!!!
NEWS>>>06.05.2021/// EUROPANORAMA 2021 is under final preparations for "covid" season 2021 and is now planned take place at different venues in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Radenci (Slovenia), Ajdovscina (Slovenia), Koper (Slovenia), Celje (Slovenia) and other European cities – Tallinn (Estonia), Vilnius (Lithuania), Riga (Latvia), Zagreb (Croatia), Graz (Austria), Reykjavik (Iceland) & more!!! between 01.06.2021 – 31.12.2021 @ more info on our planned film programmings, selections, screening schedules, venues, cities and cinemas for planned screenings of EUROPANORAMA 2021 will be released soon!!!@ European Film Days 2021
19.02.2021//// After the slowdowned and lockdowned year 2020 we are now hoping for better days for culture, films and cinema for all in season 2021, so we plan to open our travelling films screenings season soon in April/May 2021 with the new film programmings, cinema meetings, debates, discussions and educational film events across Europe and beyond!!! Our new supporting partner for DOKUBAZAAR 2021 – 1st Human Rights Film Festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is UNHCR>>>
Other partners for our travelling cine-van EU short films nights - EUROPANORAMA 2021 across Europe are>>>
More info on our film programmings, cinema meetings and film tours will be available soon!!! NO CULTURE = NO FUTURE
DOKUBAZAAR 2021 - 1st Human Rights Film Festival in Ljubljana (SLO) is under the Official Patronage of the European Parliament///
Supporting partner of DOKUBAZAAR 2021>>>
25.12.2020///SOON in 2021!!!@After the limited edition of EUROPANORAMA 2020 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Celje (Slovenia) in March 2020, Open-Air KolpaShortFilmFest in September 2020, Film education Open-Air cinema for kids in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in September 2020 and latest EUROPANORAMA cinema stop in Riga (LATVIA) in November 2020 we are now ready for the upcoming season 2021!!!More than 80 newest European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experimental) from more than 25 European countries are now ready to be presented in the planned programmings of our travelling EUROPANORAMA 2021!!!@info on all selected films will be published in mid of February our film program will be gender equal 50/50 and we plan to screen from OSLO (NORWAY) via RIGA (LATVIA) & Ljubljana (Slovenia), PRAGUE (CZECHIA), HELSINKI (FINLAND), REYKJAVIK (ICELAND), GRAZ (AUSTRIA), ZAGREB (CROATIA) to ACCRA (GHANA) & more!!! between February2021 - December2021///E U R O P A N O R A M A - 1st gender equal European short film festival platform across Europe & beyond!!!@new audiences - film education - open air travelling short films cinema & more!!!
04.11.2020 HAPPENING NOW!!! DAY 3 in RIGA///NEWS>>> 2nd edition of EUROPANORAMA 2020 presented by Transit Film Bazaar & Ljubljana International Short Film Festival (SLO) is on cinema tour in RIGA (LATVIA) between 2-3-4-november-2020 at art cinema KINO BIZE!!!@entrance free!!! ///where? KINO BIZE Elizabetes iela 37 Centra rajons Rīga LV-1010 http://www.kinobize.lv/>>> E U R O P A N O R A M A 2020/2021©promoting new EU and European cinema worldwide///gender equal programmings 50/50@film education&new audiences
21.10.2020@Coming SOON in 2021 NEWS!!! EUROPANORAMA plans to be in REYKJAVIK (ICELAND) and other 2-3 Icelandic cities (to be announced in coming weeks) organizing cinema and open-air film evenings of travelling EU short film days (EU CINEMA VAN 2021) in MAY 2021!!! @more info on final short films programming and selection for our cinema show across ICELAND will be released in the end of March 2021///special focus section in the planned program “ZOOM GERMANY 2021” is supported by the Geman culture center GOETHE INSTITUTE in Copenhagen (DK)/// E U R O P A N O R A M A 2020/2021©promoting new EU and European cinema worldwide///gender equal programmings 50/50@film education&new audiences/// ShortFilmsAreBestFilms@transitfilmbazaar///eu cinema van 2020/2021 Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!!!
19.10.2020|||NEWS>>> 2nd edition of EUROPANORAMA 2020 presented by Transit Film Bazaar & Ljubljana International Short Film Festival (SLO) plans to be on cinema tour in RIGA (LATVIA) between 2-3-4-november-2020 at art cinema KINO BIZE!!!@entrance free!!! ///where? KINO BIZE Elizabetes iela 37 Centra rajons Rīga LV-1010 http://www.kinobize.lv/ @/// E U R O P A N O R A M A 2020/2021©promoting new EU and European cinema worldwide///gender equal programmings 50/50@film education&new audiences ShortFilmsAreBestFilms@transitfilmbazaar///eu cinema van 2020 Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!!!
08.10.2020///NEWS!!! EUROPANORAMA 2020 will be in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and other 2 Slovenian cities (to be announced in coming days) organizing 5 film evenings of travelling EU short film days (EU CINEMA VAN 2020) between 9.11.2020 - 28.11.2020!!! @more info on final short films programming and selection for our cinema show across 3 Slovenian cities will be released in the end of October2020///special focus section in the planned program “ZOOM GERMANY 2020” is supported by the German Embassy in Ljubljana (SLO)/// E U R O P A N O R A M A 2020/2021©promoting new EU and European cinema worldwide///gender equal programmings 50/50@film education&new audiences ShortFilmsAreBestFilms@transitfilmbazaar///eu cinema van 2020 Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!!!
25.09.2020///POSTPONED TO 2021!!! NEWS>>>@ 2nd edition of EUROPANORAMA 2020 presented by Transit Film Bazaar & Ljubljana International Short Film Festival (SLO) plans to be on cinema tour in GRAZ (Austria) in November 2020!!! @more info on final short films programming and selection for our cinema show in GRAZ will be released in the end of october2020///special focus section in the planned program “ZOOM NORWAY 2020” is supported by the Norwegian Embassy in Vienna/// E U R O P A N O R A M A 2020/2021©promoting new EU and European cinema worldwide///gender equal programmings 50/50 www.lisff.blogspot.com ShortFilmsAreBestFilms@transitfilmbazaar///eu cinema van 2020🎥 Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!!!
21.09.2020>>> EUROPANORAMA 2020 plans to be in GRAZ (Austria) - RIGA (Latvia) - ZAGREB (Croatia) - VILNIUS (Lithuania) and PRAGUE (Czech Republic) in October & November 2020!!!🎬🎬🎬@stay tuned on our planned screenings, film selections, hosting cinemas and dates!!!@more info coming soon🎥 ©transit film bazaar/gender equal film programmings 50/50🎬 SHORT FILMS ARE BEST FILMS!!! >>>film education/youth/new audiences/european short films/open air screenings/eu cinema van/street cinema/audience development@under patronage of the European Parliament///
17.09.2020🎬🎬🎬 NOW!!!@open air street cinema/european short films📸SloKinoBus2020/new audiences/// Transit Film Bazaar & EUROPANORAMA 2020 is in Ljubljana (SLO)@open-air short films screenings/educational film event/youth/eu cinema van📸retrospective show of Europanorama 2019/2020🎞 SHORT FILMS ARE BEST FILMS!!!🎥street cinema///
16.09.2020 SOON!!! 2-4/november 2020 EUROPANORAMA 2020 will be in RIGA (Latvia)!!! where?> art cinema Kino BIZE RIGA (Latvia) www.kinobize.lv @more info on final short films programming and selection for our cinema show in RIGA will be released in mid of october2020/// E U R O P A N O R A M A 2020/2021©promoting new EU and European cinema worldwide///gender equal programmings 50/50
13.09.2020 HAPPENING NOW!!! 1st KOLPA SHORT FILM FEST 2020 - EUROPANORAMA 2020 is in RADENCI at the Kolpa river (SLO) with 3 Open Air film evenings between 11-12-13.09.2020 19.00@at KANU KAMP KOLPA///kolpa short film fest 2020 (edition nr/1) @entrance free!!! Transit Film Bazaar & EUROPANORAMA @open-air short films screenings/educational film event/youth/cinema van retrospective of short films from EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 - program is gender equal 50/50 >>> GOOD SHORT FILMS ANYTIME ANYWHERE!!!
11-12-13.09.2020 EUROPANORAMA 2020 will be in RADENCI at the Kolpa river (SLO) with 3 Open Air film evenings between 11-12-13.09.2020 19.00@at KANU KAMP KOLPA///kolpa short film fest 2020 (edition nr/1) @entrance free!!! Transit Film Bazaar & EUROPANORAMA @open-air short films screenings/educational film event/youth/cinema van retrospective of short films from EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 - program is gender equal 50/50 - GOOD SHORT FILMS ANYTIME ANYWHERE!!!
10.09.2020 OPEN AIR CINEMA - Transit Film Bazaar & EUROPANORAMA 2020 was in Ljubljana (SLO)@open-air short films screenings/educational film event/youth/cinema van retrospective of EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 ©transit film bazaar///entrance free!!!
04.09.2020 Transit Film Bazaar & EUROPANORAMA 2020 was in Ljubljana (SLO)@open-air short films screenings/educational film event/youth/cinema van www.lisff.blogspot.com www.lidff.blogspot.com ©transit film bazaar
travelling cinema >>>LISFF_news>>>>
After our recent 5 travelling days of gender equal EUROPANORAMA 2020 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) & Celje (Slovenia) in March 2020 we are now in running preparations for our planned cinema stops across Europe and beyond from Oslo (Norway) via Stockholm (Sweden), Riga (Latvia), Graz (Austria), Zagreb (Croatia), Belgrade (Serbia), Tbilisi (Georgia), Yerevan (Armenia) to Beirut (Lebanon) and Jerusalem (Israel) & MORE in coming weeks!!!🎬stay tuned to the news in coming days on our next transnational GENDER EQUAL cinema events & film programmings of travelling EUROPANORAMA 2020!!!🎬

1st gender equal European short film festival across Europe & beyond!!!@entrance free
EUROPANORAMA’s programmings are_>>>
Gender Equal 50/50
Travelling & transnational
Open for free to all audiences
Covering all EU member states and other European countries///@creating new audiences for new European films!!!
@under the official patronage of The European Parliament

EUROPANORAMA 2020 is travelling to CELJE (Slovenia)!!!🎬🚌🎥
Youth Center MCC

E U R O P AN O R A M A 1st gender equal European short film festival across Europe & beyond!!!@entrance free

EUROPANORAMA’s programmings are_>>>
Gender Equal 50/50
Travelling & transnational
Open for free to all audiences
Covering all EU member states and other European countries///@creating new audiences for short films!!!

Travelling EUROPANORAMA 2020 was in Ljubljana (SLO) & next week we are on the move with our gender equal European short film programming 50/50 to CELJE (SLO)🎬🎬🎬11-12march2020
Youth Center MCC
@entrance free!!!

CHECK OUT the 50/50 film program of 1st gender equal int. short film festival in Europe!!!🎬🎬🎬
Travelling EUROPANORAMA 2020 is now in Ljubljana (Slovenia)!!!
@3-4-5-6march 2020
Film program and screening schedule for Ljubljana is available here> http://www.skuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/LJ_EUROPANORAMA2020_program.pdf

Art gallery & culture venue ŠKUC

©TransitFilmBazaar / EU CINEMA VAN 2020

EUROPANORAMA is now in Ljubljana (Slovenia)!!!
art and culture venue ŠKUC
Entrance free!!!

MEDIA coverage>>>

And after Ljubljana (SLO) we are moving with our 50/50 gender equal European short film programming to CELJE (Slovenia)!!!
1st travelling EUROPEAN CINEMA & 1st European gender equal film festival project EUROPANORAMA 2020 will screen around 30 new European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experiment) from more than 20 EU states and other European countries to audiences in CELJE (SLO)
@entrance free!!!

11-12march2020 in CELJE (Slovenia)
Youth Center in Celje

E U R O P A N O R A M A@creating new audiences for European films!!!
©Transit Film Bazaar / EU CINEMA VAN 2020 (under the patronage of the European Parliament)

And here we come with our 50/50 gender equal European short film programming for LJUBLJANA (Slovenia)!!!
1st travelling EUROPEAN CINEMA & 1st European gender equal film festival project EUROPANORAMA 2020 will screen more than 40 newest European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experiment) from 27 EU states and other European countries to audiences in LJUBLJANA (SLO)
@entrance free!!!

3-4-5-6march2020 in Ljubljana (SLOVENIA)
Art gallery and Culture venue
@ŠKUC is one of the leading non-governmental organisations promoting non-profit cultural and artistic activity in Slovenia///

E U R O P A N O R A M A@creating new audiences for European films!!!
©Transit Film Bazaar / EU CINEMA VAN 2020 (under the patronage of the European Parliament)

“We are proud to announce that our planned EUROPANORAMA travelling cinema project EU CINEMA VAN 2020 has just received official Patronage of the European Parliament which is granted only to a limited number of events every year.”

STARTING SOON🎥EU CINEMA VAN 2020@1st travelling EUROPEAN CINEMA & 1st European gender equal film festival&cinema project🎬🎬🎬
@entrance free!!!

3-4-5-6march in Ljubljana (SLOVENIA)
11-12march in Celje (SLOVENIA)
7-8-9april in Oslo (NORWAY)
14-15-16april in Riga (LATVIA)
22-23april in Graz (AUSTRIA)
& other cinema stops in different cities/countries across Europe until December 2020 - Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Georgia, Armenia, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and more!!!

EUROPANORAMA@travelling EU CINEMA VAN 2020 project
©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///gender equal film programmings 50/50🎬
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!!!
"The European Parliament greatly appreciates your initiative, seeking as it does to promote EU cinema to wide audiences and screen large selection of short and documentary films made by young professional European film directors"

»We really evaluate the significance of education and free access to wide audiences - We will take part in this project with pleasure.« one of Europanorama's 2020 participating film director's comment, February 2020©TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR / EUROPANORAMA 2 0 2 0
SOON on The Move!!!🎥
1st travelling EUROPEAN CINEMA & 1st European gender equal film days event
E U R O P A N O R A M A 2020
🎬🎬🎬@More than 80 newest European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experimental) from all 27 EU member states and from other 11 non-EU countries made it into the final program of our travelling Gender Equal film days EUROPANORAMA 2020!!!@info on all selected films will be published in mid of February🎬our film program will be gender equal 50/50 and we will screen from OSLO via Riga & Ljubljana to BEIRUT & more !!! between March - December2020///
@entrance free!!!
3-4-5-6march in Ljubljana (SLOVENIA)
11-12march in Celje (SLOVENIA)
7-8-9april in Oslo (NORWAY)
14-15-16april in Riga (LATVIA)
22-23april in Graz (AUSTRIA)
& more until december2020!!!

TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR will be on the move with Gender Equal cinema days EUROPANORAMA 2020 to GRAZ /AUSTRIA/@presenting new EU, European and Nordic cinema///
22-23april2020 at art cinema FILMZENTRUM IM RECHBAUERKINO www.filmzentrum.com
@more info on final programming for GRAZ will be released in coming weeks///www.lisff.blogspot.com
EUROPANORAMA’s programmings are_>>>
Gender Equal 50/50
Travelling & transnational
Open for free to all audiences
Covering all EU member states and other European countries///

1st travelling EUROPEAN CINEMA & 1st European gender equal film festival🎬🎬🎬between 11 - 12 march2020 we will show gender equal EUROPANORAMA 2020 in CELJE (Slovenia) at Youth Cultural Center MCC Celje///more info coming soon!
@entrance free!!!
©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///gender equal film programmings 50/50


More than 80 newest European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experimental) from more than 25 European countries made it into the final program of our travelling EUROPANORAMA 2020!!!@info on all selected films will be published in mid of February🎬our film program will be gender equal 50/50 and we will screen from OSLO via Riga & Ljubljana to BEIRUT & more !!! between March - December2020///@1st European Gender Equal Film Festival across Europe & beyond with film program 50/50

Short films screenings & Sauna in Oslo (NOR)? Yes, thanks!!!@NORDIC cinema experience🎬🎬🎬EUROPANORAMA 2020 will be in Oslo (NORWAY) between 7 - 8 - 9 April 2020!@we will show our programme in Nordic style combining sauna & short films screenings at art&culture venue SALT///www.salted.no
@more info on our GENDER EQUAL touring European short films programming for OSLO (Norway) will be released soon///

2020©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
ShortFilmsAreBestFilms@transitfilmbazaar///@creating new audiences for short films!!!Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

EUROPANORAMA 2020 >>>the 1st gender equal travelling cinema/festival across Europe and the EU will start its international 2020 tour in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) between the 3rd – 6th of March 2020 at art gallery and culture venue ŠKUC where we will screen our gender equal European short film programming (50/50) made of more than 60 newest short films (animation, fiction, experiment, documentary) from all around Europe!!!@official program for Ljubljana (SLO) will be released in the mid of February///EUROPANORAMA from OSLO via RIGA and LJUBLJANA to BEIRUT & more!!!

EUROPANORAMA 2020 will be in RIGA (Latvia)!!!
Art cinema Kino BIZE
@more info on our GENDER EQUAL touring European short films programming 50/50 for RIGA (LATVIA) will be released soon///

2 0 2 0
©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema to new audiences worldwide///1st gender equal European shorts&docs film festival/cinema across Europe and beyond!!!
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

EUROPANORAMA 2020 will be in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia)!!!
Art gallery & Culture venue ŠKUC
@more info on our GENDER EQUAL touring European short films programming 50/50 for LJUBLJANA (SLO) will be released soon///

2 0 2 0
©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema to new audiences worldwide///1st gender equal European shorts&docs film festival/cinema across Europe and beyond!!!
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

EUROPANORAMA 2020 - the 1st gender equal travelling cinema/festival in Europe and in the EU will start its international 2020 tour in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) between the 3rd – 6th of March 2020 at art gallery and culture venue ŠKUC where we will screen our gender equal European short film programming (50/50) made of more than 60 newest short films (animation, fiction, experiment, documentary) from all around Europe!!!@official program for Ljubljana (SLO) will be released in the mid of February///

»The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful. I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them.« EUROPANORAMA 2018/2019 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience Comment, A-h.F., Beirut, November 2018©TRANSITFILM BAZAAR

EUROPANORAMA 2020 is the 1st travelling gender equal EU short FILM FESTIVAL across EU, Europe and beyond and in season 2020 we will screen gender equal film programming of around 80-100 new European, EU short (animation, fiction, experiment) and documentary films made by young European women and men film directors (50% - 50%).

All screenings are free of charge///

Our Travelling European Film Festival 2020 projects EUROPANORAMA2020 and NordicFilmDays2020 will show newest EU, European and Nordic short films in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) between 3-4-5-6-march 2020 at ŠKUC gallery and culture venue!!!@European short films screenings from Ljubljana to Beirut via Oslo🎬🎬🎬more info on our touring short films programmings, film selections, visiting cities & countries across Europe and beyond will be published in the end of January2020📸🎥

All screenings are free of charge///
©TransitFilmBazaar 2009 - 2020
Coming SOON!!!📸📸📸

Our new travelling cinema season 2020 with the new European short films (animation, fiction, experiment, documentary) programmings of EUROPANORAMA 2020 and NordicFilmDays2020 will soon start in February 2020 in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) from where we will continue to different cities&countries across Europe & beyond (Oslo - Norway, Graz - Austria, Budapest - Hungary, Riga - Latvia and more) until December 2020

@we are now preparing the new 2020 programmings for EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays and more information will be released in the mid of January 2020, so stay tuned to our news!!!

“WE CREATE NEW AUDIENCES FOR SHORT FILMS ACROSS EUROPE AND BEYOND since 2009. All our film screenings are creative, non-profit and educational with free entrance to all audiences.”
TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR 2018/2019 organized 14 new cinema events for international audiences in 13 cities and 11 countries from OSLO (Norway) via LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) to BEIRUT (Lebanon)!!!@ready now for new season 2020/2021
October 2018                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in OSLO (Norway) at Deichman Library in Oslo between the 30th of October – 2nd of November 2018
November 2018                              EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in BEIRUT (Lebanon) at Zoukak Theatre in Beirut between the 14th, 20th – 21st of November 2018
January 2019                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) at SKUC art gallery in Ljubljana between the 15th – 17th of January 2019
January 2019                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in ZAGREB (Croatia) at The Cinematheque in Zagreb between the 23rd – 24th of January 2019
January 2019                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in BELGRADE (Serbia) at the Culture House KC GRAD in Belgrade between the 26th – 27th of January 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in GRAZ (Austria) at the art cinema FILMZENTRUM in Graz between the 18th – 19th of February 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in RIGA (Latvia) at the art cinema KINO BIZE in Riga between the 26th – 27th of February 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in BUDAPEST (Hungary) at the art cinema BEM MOZI in Budapest between the 27th – 28th of February 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in COPENHAGEN (Denmark) at the art venue FilmStationen in Copenhagen on the 28th of February 2019
March 2019                                     EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in SKOPJE (The Republic of North Macedonia) at the Cinematheque in Skopje between the 19th – 21st of March 2019
March 2019                                     EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in GOSTIVAR (The Republic of North Macedonia) at the Culture House ASNOM in Gostivar between the 22nd – 23rd of March 2019
April 2019                                        EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in PODGORICA (Montenegro) at the Youth Centre of Podgorica between the 16th – 17th of April 2019
April 2019                                        EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in NIKSIC (Montenegro) at the art venue Propaganda in Niksic on the 18th of April 2019
September 2019                             EUROPANORAMA & ZOOM MACEDONIA 2019 in BUDAPEST (Hungary) on the 18th of September 2019

»The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful. I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them.« Europanorama and Nordic Film Days 2018 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience Comment, A-h.F., Beirut, November 2018©TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR


Audience Comments from Beirut (Lebanon) on travelling EUROPANORAMA>>>transit film bazaar@short films are best films!!!

"The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful. I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them." Europanorama and Nordic Film Days 2018/2019 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience Comment, A-h.F., Beirut, November 2018©TRANSIT FILMBAZAAR – travelling EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL

European Films On The Move 2020!!!@under preparations///
TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR 2020 - EUROPANORAMA 2020 - NORDIC FILM DAYS 2020 - EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL 2020@travelling EURO CINEMA VAN 2020 soon also in your city!

»The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful. I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them.« Europanorama and Nordic Film Days 2018 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience Comment, A-h.F., Beirut, November 2018©TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR

ready now for season 2020!!!

We Are Now Over 2000 Followers from many different countries to our transnational short&documentary cinema/festival events as the only travelling non-commercial and educational film/cinema initiative across Europe and beyond!!!©from Oslo to Beirut since 2009///thanks to all our followers & audiences in many cities!!!
nordic film days
©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

Our travelling EUROPANORAMA had a great cinema stop in Budapest (Hungary) this week!!!!!!
Transit Film Bazaar (Ljubljana - Slovenia) presented new Macedonian short films “ZOOM NORTH MACEDONIA” in Budapest (Hungary) to the wonderful local audiences on the 18th of September 2019>>>

Short Films Are Best Films!!!
European short films on the Move!!!

SOON this week in BUDAPEST!!!
@European short films on the move

Our opening travelling cinema event in new touring season of EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 is planned to happen on the 18th of September in BUDAPEST (Hungary)!

During our upcoming cinema stop in Budapest we will present new Macedonian short film productions in our special program
“ZOOM MACEDONIA 2019” to wide Hungarian audiences in Budapest !!!

Good Short Films Anytime Anywhere!!!
nordic film days/project

2019 - 2020


A quick Photo ThrowBack into our last season of Nordic Film Days 2018/2019 short film presentations in frame of EUROPANORAMA travelling cinema screenings between September 2018 – August 2019>>>this is how it was in season 2018/2019 from Oslo (Norway) to Beirut (Lebanon) & more!!!

11 countries (Slovenia - Lebanon - Norway - Croatia - Serbia - Latvia - Denmark - Hungary - Montenegro - Republic of North Macedonia - Austria)

13 cities
29 screening days
14 cinemas/venues
+ 90 short films from different EU, European and Nordic countries being screened
+ 2500 people taking part

@we start EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 soon next week in Budapest (Hungary) with new short film programmings!!!


COMING SOON!!!@European short films on the move!

Our opening film screening in new touring season of EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 is planned to happen on the 18th of September 2019 in BUDAPEST (Hungary)

We will present new Macedonian short film productions in our special program “ZOOM MACEDONIA” to wide Hungarian audiences///
TransitFilmBazaar Good Short Films Anytime Anywhere!!!
nordic film days/project

Open CALL 
for new short films submissions to EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 and Nordic Film Days 2019/2020 cinema tour!

Dear Film Directors / Film Producers,

We are now accepting new short films submissions (fiction, animation, documentary, experiment) from all EU, European and Nordic countries to EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 and Nordic Film Days 2019/2020 travelling cinema tour scheduled for period September 2019 – June 2020
Our upcoming European and Nordic cinema tour is planned to take place in different countries such as Slovenia, Lebanon, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Palestine, Cyprus, Norway, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan etc. in period September 2019 – June 2020///
All our international touring short film screenings will be of cultural and educational character, film presentations will be non – commercial and free of charge to all audiences. 

EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 and Nordic Film Days 2019/2020 short film screenings will be organized as a transnational educational and non – commercial cinema initiative of TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR and LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL
In case you have interest that we screen and present your short film to wide audiences of the planned EUROPANORAMA and Nordic Film Days 2019/2020 film presentations in different cities and countries as mentioned above, we would kindly like to ask you to send us the link for downloading the screening copy of your film prepared for professional cinema screenings with ENGLISH SUBTITLES together with promotion materials (synopis, credits, photos etc.) until the 31st of July 2019 to our email adress transitfilmbazaar@gmail.com

Nordic Film Days 2019/2020

©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///


Open CALL for short films submissions /fiction, animation, documentary, experiment/ to our next edition of travelling cinema festival EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 and NordicFilmDays 2019/2020 will be launched in the end of May!!!
@stay tuned for more info in coming days///

EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 and NordicFilmDays 2019/2020 will take place between September 2019 - June 2020 in different cities and countries across EUROPE and beyond!!!🚀more info on our planned travelling cinema stations for season 2019/2020 will be released continually from August🎬🎬🎬

©transitfilmbazaar///promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema to international audiences worldwide!!!
EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays were in Montenegro with the wonderful local audiences of PODGORICA and NIKŠIĆ between 16-17-18april2019!!!

©TransitFilmBazaar in cooperation with The Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, EU Info Center in Podgorica and Nordics///

Our interview about new European and Nordic short films for the Macedonian monthly cinema magazine FILM+ (edition nr.24, march2019)

EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays were in SKOPJE (Republic of North Macedonia)!!!

Promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema to new international audiences worldwide///©transitfilmbazaar
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS on our transnational cinema TOUR 2018/2019!!!
11 countries
13 cities
29 screening days
14 cinemas/venues
+ 90 short films from different EU, European and Nordic countries being screened
+ 2500 people taking part

Our Travelling cinema stops in season 2018/2019!!! >>> SLOVENIA - LEBANON - NORWAY - CROATIA - SERBIA - AUSTRIA - LATVIA - DENMARK - HUNGARY - Republic of NORTH MACEDONIA - MONTENEGRO
11 countries@13 cities!!!
Presented by©TransitFilmBazaar///promoting new EU, European and Nordic short films to new audiences worldwide!
EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS are on the move to our next 2 cinema stations in PODGORICA (Montenegro) and NIKŠIĆ (Montenegro)>>>

17.00 > 20.00
@entrance free!

18.00 - 22.00
@entrance free!

©TransitFilmBazaar with support from Delegation of The European Union to Montenegro and Nordics///
Presenting new EU, European and Nordic short films to new international audiences worldwide!!!

SOON in April2019!!!
Transit FilmBazaar is on the move with EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays to PODGORICA and NIKŠIĆ (Montenegro)@presenting new EU, European and Nordic cinema///
@more info on programmings for PODGORICA and NIKŠIĆ will be released soon in coming days///

©transitfilmbazaar with support from Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro and Nordics

ZOOM HUNGARY (Hungarian short film evenings in the Balkan region)>>>
TransitFilmBazaar was in SKOPJE (Republic of North Macedonia) - SOFIA (Bulgaria) - BELGRADE (Serbia) - ZAGREB (Croatia) and LJUBLJANA (Slovenia)!!!
©transitfilmbazaar 2009 – 2019
Promoting new EU and European cinema to new audiences worldwide!!!

11 countries
13 cities
29 screening days
14 cinemas/venues
+ 90 short films from different EU, European and Nordic countries being screened
+ 2500 people taking part
EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS on transnational cinema TOUR 2018/2019!!!
Our Travelling cinema stops in season 2018/2019!!! >>> SLOVENIA - LEBANON - NORWAY - CROATIA - SERBIA - AUSTRIA - LATVIA - DENMARK - HUNGARY - Republic of NORTH MACEDONIA - MONTENEGRO
11 countries@13 cities!!!

Presented by©TransitFilmBazaar///promoting new EU, European and Nordic short films to new audiences worldwide!

EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS were in GOSTIVAR (Republic of North Macedonia) at the Culture House ASNOM between the 22nd and the 23rd of March 2019!!!

©TransitFilmBazaar with support from Delegation of The European Union to The Republic of North Macedonia, Goethe Institute in Skopje and Nordics///

Presenting new EU, European and Nordic short films to new international audiences worldwide!!!

EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS are in SKOPJE (Republic of North Macedonia)!!!
Transit Film Bazaar presents new EU, European and Nordic short films at the Cinematheque of The Republic of North Macedonia (SKOPJE) between the 19th - 21st of MARCH 2019@entrance free!!!
Special focus section ZOOM GERMANY is dedicated to presentation of new German cinema@in cooperation with Goethe Institute in SKOPJE///
©transitfilmbazaar with support from Delegation of the European Union to The Republic of North Macedonia, Goethe Institute in Skopje and Nordics
EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS were in RIGA (Latvia) with the wonderful Latvian audiences who came to check our touring programming focused on new EU, European and Nordic cinema!!!


art cinema KINO BIZE
©transitfilmbazaar with support from Nordics


After our recent cinema stops in Lebanon, Norway, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Latvia, Hungary and Denmark in last weeks, the upcoming EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays shows in March&April 2019 will be presented in SKOPJE (Republic of North Macedonia) - GOSTIVAR (Republic of North Macedonia) - MINSK (Republic of Belarus) - TRIESTE (Italy) - PODGORICA (Montenegro) - NIKŠIĆ (Montenegro)!!!
@entrance free/gratis
More info>>>TransitFilmBazaar

nordic film days

©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///

Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS go SKOPJE (Republic of North Macedonia)!!!

Transit Film Bazaar will show new EU, European and Nordic short films at the Cinematheque of Macedonia between the 19th - 21st of MARCH 2019@entrance free!!!

Special focus section ZOOM GERMANY is dedicated to presentation of new German cinema@in cooperation with Goethe Institute in SKOPJE

©transitfilmbazaaar with support from Delegation of the European Union to The Republic of North Macedonia, Goethe Institute in Skopje and Nordics

TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR will show EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS in MINSK (Republic of Belarus) on the 20th and the 21st of MARCH 2019 at the Culture House KORPUS@entrance free!!!

©transitfilmbazaaar with support from Nordics
EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS will be in Gostivar (Republic of North Macedonia) between the 22nd and the 23rd of MARCH 2019 at the House of CULTURE in Gostivar@entrance free!!!

©transitfilmbazaaar with support from Delegation of the European Union to The Republic of North Macedonia, Goethe Institute in Skopje and Nordics

EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS were in BUDAPEST (Hungary) at art cinema BEM MOZI >>> in COPENHAGEN (Denmark) at art cinema FILMSTATIONEN >>> and in RIGA (Latvia) at art cinema KINO BIZE with very great local audiences between the 26th & the 28th of February 2019!!!

BEM MOZI (Budapest)

©transitfilmbazaaar with support from Nordics///

On the Move to New Cinema Destinations in April 2019!!!

In April 2019 we will show new EU, European and Nordic short films in TRIESTE (Italy) and PODGORICA (Montenegro)!!!@more info on EUROPANORAMA 2019 and NordicFilmDays in TRIESTE and PODGORICA coming soon///

SEE YOU SOON in SKOPJE (The Republic of North Macedonia)!!!

EUROPANORAMA 2019 and NordicFilmDays2019
19-20-21march2019 KINOTEKA
Cinematheque of Macedonia
@entrance free!!!
The program and screening schedule for SKOPJE will be released soon in coming days///

©Transit Film Bazaar in cooperation and with support from Nordics, The EU Delegation to the Republic of North Macedonia and Goethe Institute in Skopje


EUROPANORAMA 2019 and NordicFilmDays2019 will screen new European and Nordic short films in MINSK (Belarus)!!!

Culture Center Korpus
Культ. центр "КОРПУС"

@entrance free!!!
The program and screenings schedule for MINSK will be released soon in coming days///
EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays were in GRAZ (Austria) between the 18th and 19th of Feb2019 at art cinema FILMZENTRUM in RECHBAUERKINO/// www.filmzentrum.com
Thanks to the great local audiences who came and enjoyed the show of many wonderful European and Nordic short films from our visiting programming in GRAZ this week!!!

Our next touring cinema stations in February 2019 will be RIGA (Latvia) - BUDAPEST (Hungary) - COPENHAGEN (Denmark) between the 26th - 28th of Feb2019!!!@more info coming soon>>>TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR

ON TOUR next week!!!
and NordicFilmDays will show many great European and Nordic short films between 26-27-28-feb2019 in RIGA (Latvia) - BUDAPEST (Hungary) - COPENHAGEN (Denmark)@entrance free!!!

Info on Program, Cinemas and Screening Schedules for RIGA - BUDAPEST - COPENHAGEN is now available here below>>>

©transitfilmbazaar///promoting new European, EU and Nordic cinema to new audiences worldwide
Our next cinema stop for NordicFilmDays and EUROPANORAMA 2019 will be COPENHAGEN (Denmark) on the 28th of February 2019 and on the 28th of March 2019 at art cinema FILMSTATIONEN https://www.facebook.com/FilmStationen/
@entrance free!!!

NordicFilmDays and EUROPANORAMA 2019 are on the move to BUDAPEST (Hungary)!!! Our touring cinema project will present new European and Nordic short films to Budapest audiences between the 27th and 28th of February 2019 at art cinema BEM MOZI https://www.facebook.com/BemMozi/
@entrance free!!!

TransitFilmBazaar will present NordicFilmDays and EUROPANORAMA 2019 in RIGA (Latvia) between the 26th and 27th of February 2019 at art cinema KINO BIZE www.kinobize.lv
@entrance free!!!

NordicFilmDays and EUROPANORAMA 2019 will be in GRAZ (Austria) between the 18th and 19th of February 2019!!!
Many great short films and wonderful stories from young European and Nordic film directors will be screened at art cinema FILMZENTRUM im RECHBAUERKINO www.filmzentrum.com

©in cooperation and support from Nordics and The Municipality of GRAZ
The PROGRAM and screening schedule for GRAZ is now available here below>>>
@entrance free!!!

E U R O P A N O R A M A  
2018-2019©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!
On the 28th of February2019 and on the 28th of March2019 EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays will have 2 cinema stops in COPENHAGEN (Denmark) at art cinema FilmStationen///in final preparations///
@final program and screening schedule for COPENHAGEN will be released soon in next days>>>Good SHORT films Anytime Anywhere!


HAPPENING NOW in February2019!!!
NordicFilmDays and EUROPANORAMA are on the move to GRAZ (Austria) - RIGA (Latvia) - BUDAPEST (Hungary) in the 2nd half of February2019!!!

Good SHORT films Anytime Anywhere!

GRAZ (Austria)

RIGA (Latvia)
art cinema KINO BIZE

BUDAPEST (Hungary)
art cinema BEM MOZI

@more info on final screening schedules and programmings for our 3next touring shows in
Austria, Latvia and Hungary coming soon next week>>>

SOON in February2019!!!
After our latest cinema stops in Norway, Lebanon, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, the next EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays cinema stations will be GRAZ (Austria) and RIGA (Latvia) in February2019!!!

GRAZ (Austria)
art cinema Filmzentrum im RECHBAUERKINO

RIGA (Latvia)

art cinema Kino BIZE

©transitfilmbazaar in cooperation with Nordics
Detailed program and screening schedule for Graz and Riga will be available soon in coming days>>>TransitFilmBazaar

New EU, European and Nordic short films soon in Belgrade (Serbia) this weekend!!!
26-27january2019Kulturni Centar GRADwww.kcgrad.rs
@entrance free!!!
EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays2019
©transitfilmbazaar in cooperation with Nordics

The program and screening schedule for BG is available below on this website>>>
After our previous cinema stops in Norway, Lebanon and Slovenia, the next EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays cinema station will be ZAGREB (Croatia)!!!
Kino Kinoteka
/Kordunska ulica 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia/

@entrance free!

NordicFilmDays and Europanorama2019 in Zagreb will present selection of new European, EU, Swiss and Nordic short films///
©TransitFilmBazaar in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland in Croatia and Nordics


NordicFilmDays and Europanorama2019 were in Ljubljana (Slovenia)!!!
Art Gallery ŠKUC
@entrance free!

TransitFilm Bazaar – do it your self (DIY) transitory cinema project since 2009
»The Ljubljana International Short Film Festival (LISFF) (alternately called Transit Film Bazaar or Transit Short Film Festival) is both a firmly localised independent film festival held each March at Klub Gromka – and also a transitory, highly unconventional entity producing film presentations, screenings and festivals all around Europe. It is promoting non-commercial and independent fiction, documentary, experimental and animation short films, organising the festival and its international projects in a firm DIY manner. Entrance to all of the screenings is free of charge.
The festival, which took of in 2009, is involved in a network of art cinemas, cinematheques and film clubs across Europe, from Oslo to Tirana. Its partner festival, which is more or less also stationed in Klub Gromka, is the autumn held DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival.

International programme

The festival has gotten its international, travelling nature in 2010, when it co-produced events like Graz Short Film Night. Later it established the Balkan Film Bazaar vehicle, which showcased a selection of Ex-Yugoslavian short films (gathered for the Ljubljana edition) in the cities of Graz, Oslo and Helsinki.« written by www.culture.si
Since May 2018 Transit Film Bazaar is also in charge of EUROPANORAMA and NORDIC FILM DAYS touring cinema projects>>>
nordic film days

»The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful.
I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them.« Europanorama and Nordic Film Days 2018 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience Comment, A-h.F., Beirut, November 2018
&in March2019!!!
EUROPANORAMA 2019 and NordicFilmDays project will show new EU, European and Nordic short films in SKOPJE & Gostivar (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and PODGORICA & Cetinje (Montenegro) in MARCH 2019!!!

©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide
@entrance free///the program and screening schedule for FYROM and MONTENEGRO is under preparations and more info will be available soon>>>www.lisff.blogspot.com

E U R O P A N O R A M A  2019©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!
Our EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays project SOON also in RIGA (Latvia) between the 26th and 27th of February 2019!!!
EUROPANORAMA 2019 will show new European and Nordic short films in RIGA (Latvia) at art cinema Kino BIZE

@entrance free///the program and screening schedule for RIGA will be available soon>>>www.lisff.blogspot.com
Nordic part of the program in RIGA is supported by Nordics///
European and Nordic short films soon also in GRAZ (Austria) betwen the 18th and 19 of February2019!!!

EUROPANORAMA 2019 will show new European and Nordic short films in GRAZ (Austria) at art cinema Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino

@entrance free///the program and screening schedule for GRAZ will be available soon>>>www.lisff.blogspot.com 

Nordic part of the program in GRAZ is supported by Nordics///
E U R O P A N O R A M A 
2019©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

New European and Nordic short films soon in BELGRADE (Serbia) in the last week of January 2019!!!

TransitFilmBazaar will present EUROPANORAMA>>>2019 and NordicFilmDays selection at culture venue Kulturni Centar GRAD in the centre of Belgrade /Braće Krsmanović 4, Beograd 11000, Srbija/ between the 26&27january2019///screenings are free of charge!!!
The program will present more than 30 short films (fiction, animation, documentary) from around 20 different European and Nordic countries@screening schedule for Belgrade (Serbia) is now available here>>>

©Nordic part of EuroPanorama is supported by Nordics
EUROPANORAMA>>>2019 soon in ZAGREB (Croatia) in the end of January2019!!! Europanorama in Zagreb will screen selection of new European, Nordic and Swiss short films. Entrance to all screenings is free>>>

After Beirut (Lebanon) and Oslo (Norway) in season 2018 and Ljubljana (Slovenia) in January 2019 our next TransitFilmBazaar cinema station for European and Nordic film days in 2019 will be Zagreb (Croatia) between 23&24jan2019 at art cinema KINO KINOTEKA /Kordunska ul. 1, 10000, Zagreb, Hrvaška/

The film PROGRAM and screening schedule for Zagreb (Croatia) is now available here>>>

@presented with support from the Embassy Switzerland and EU Commission representation in Zagreb

@Nordic part of EuroPanorama is supported by 
Come&Watch EUROPANORAMA 2019 short&doc films programmings in Ljubljana (Slovenia) - Zagreb (Croatia) - Belgrade (Serbia) - Cetinje (Montenegro) - Skopje (Fyrom)&other cities/countries in season 2019/2020!!!
2019©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

Ljubljana (Slovenia) 15-16-17jan2019
Zagreb (Croatia) 23-24jan2019
Belgrade (Serbia) 26-27jan2019
Come&Watch EUROPANORAMA>2019 short&doc films programmings in Ljubljana (Slovenia) - Zagreb (Croatia) - Belgrade (Serbia) - Cetinje (Montenegro) - Skopje (Fyrom)&other cities/countries in season 2019!!!
EUROPANORAMA will show new European and Nordic short films in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) at cultural venue and art gallery ŠKUC located at Stari Trg 21 in the centre of Ljubljana between the 15th – 17th of January 2019!!!@entrance free///the program and screening schedule is now available here>>>

Nordic part the program in Ljubljana (SLO) is supported by Nordics
E U R O P A N O R A M A 
2019©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!


In March2019 TransitFilmBazaar will show EUROPANORAMA>2019 in SKOPJE and GOSTIVAR in the Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA!!!@ more info coming soon///

@supported by the Delegation of EU in Skopje (FYROM)

E U R O P A N O R A M A 
2019©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///

Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!

Nordic part of the program is supprted by NORDICS>>>

EUROPANORAMA 2019 will be in Ljubljana (Slovenia)>15-16-17jan2019 - Zagreb (Croatia)>23-24jan2019 - Belgrade (Serbia)>26-27jan2019!!!

Good SHORT films ANYTIME anywhere!!!
@NordicFilmDays programming part of EUROPANORAMA is supported by NORDICS
Europanorama is coming to ZAGREB (Croatia)!!!
COMING soon in January2019
EUROPANORAMA 2019 will show new European and Nordic short films in ZAGREB at art cinema Kino KINOTEKA@more info on scheduled program and all planned film screenings/debates/meetings/discussions in Zagreb will be released in coming days>special guest country in the program will be Switzerland///zoom switzerland is supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Croatia

EuroPanorama in Ljubljana (SLO)!!!
COMING soon in January2019

EUROPANORAMA will show new European and Nordic short films in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia)@more info on program and venue for all planned film screenings/debates/meetings/discussions in Ljubljana will be released in coming days>
©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///
Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!
Transit Film Bazaar is a non commercial and independent film event, promoting fiction, documentary, experimental and animation short films. In cooperation with art cinemas, cinematheques and film clubs across Europe, it travels around to organize creative and educational short film screenings in different cities and countries from OSLO to BEIRUT and beyond!!! Transit Film Bazaar moves beyond the conventional frames and borders/// 
>Entrance to all screenings is free of charge. Welcome!

In January&February 2019 EUROPANORAMA will show new European and Nordic short films in Zagreb (Croatia) - Belgrade (Serbia) - Sarajevo (Bosnia&Herzegovina) - Cetinje (Montenegro) - Ljubljana (Slovenia) 
@more info on all planned shows coming soon///
©transit film bazaar & ljubljana int. short film festival

EUROPANORAMA was in Beirut (Lebanon) in November2018!!!

»The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful.
I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them.« Europanorama 2018 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience Comment, A-h.F., Beirut, November 2018

©promoting new EU, European and Nordic cinema worldwide///

Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!


TransitFilmBazaar is now in Beirut!@14-20-21november2018 at 2venues>Mansion&Zoukak!
EUROPANORAMA2018 festival/platform for promotion of young EU and Nordic cinema in Lebanon will show 30 newest European short films@entrance to all screenings is free!

TransitFilmBazaar shows short films in Beirut (Lebanon) between 14-20&21november2018!
1st edition of EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays project in BEIRUT will screen newest EU and Nordic short films at 2locations, culture spaces of Mansion and Zoukak.
Entrance to all shows is free!!! All cinema evenings and screenings start at 7pm

More info on selected films is available here>>>www.lisff.blogspot.com
The program is ready for Euro panorama film festival in Beirut _2018 here>

@supported by the Delegation of EU in Lebanon - Nordics - Finnish Embassy in Beirut



                                   EMBASSY OF FINLAND in Beirut

TransitFilmBazaar goes Beirut (Lebanon) between 14-20&21november2018!

1st edition of EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays project in BEIRUT will screen 30 newest EU and Nordic short films at 2locations, culture spaces of Mansion and Zoukak.
Entrance to all shows is free!!!

@supported by the Delegation of EU in Lebanon - Nordics - Finnish Embassy in Beirut


TransitFilmBazaar shows newest European and Nordic short films in Beirut (Lebanon)!

The very first edition of EUROPANORAMA film festival for short movies in Lebanon will be happening in Beirut on 14, 20 and 21 November 2018
The festival includes a rich variety of short films, from different genres, directed by filmmakers from all around Europe, such as France, Germany, Slovenia, Sweden, Finland, Croatia, Spain, UK, Romania, Hungary etc.
The program of EUROPANORAMA 2018 in Beirut will be screened at 2 locations:
- MANSION on November 14th at 7 PM
- ZOUKAK on November 20th & 21st from 7 to 11 PM
This festival is organized by TransitFilmBazaar association and it’s FREE of charge///
Whole event is presented in cooperation with the Delegation of EU in Lebanon, Finnish Embassy in Beirut, Nordics and Movies On The Move. Special thanks for help and great assistance on this event in Beirut goes to Ms. Haifa Safa and Nadi Lekol El Nas.

Final film selection of European and Nordic short films /nordic film days/ for EUROPANORAMA 2018 in Beirut (Lebanon) in now available here>>>
Transit Film Bazaar will screen European and Nordic short film programming in Oslo (NORWAY) in period between the 30th of October 2018 – the 2nd of November 2018 at KINOTEK (Deichman Main Library).
.OSLO INTERNATINAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2018 project is presenting selection of newest European short films of different styles and approaches (animation, experiment, fiction and documentary) from young European film directors. The programming offers a glimpse into the contemporary European /europanorama/ and Nordic filmmaking /nordic film days/.

Deichmanske Hovedbibliotek
Arne Garborgs plass 4
0179 Oslo
In cooperation with Deichman Main Library (Kinotek) and Oslo Kommune (Kulturetaten)

Our EUROPANORAMA project is an emerging platform for the promotion of young and contemporary EU cinema and EU cultures worldwide to international audiences focused on sustainable promotion of new European and EU cinema, EU short and documentary films from young EU based film directors on international level.

Selected short films for EUROPANORAMA 2018/2019>>> 

NORDIC FILM DAYS film evenings planned to be presented by TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR in season 2018/2019 in different countries/cities will present newest Nordic short and documentary films of different styles and approaches (fiction and documentary) from young Nordic film directors from SWEDEN, DENMARK, ICELAND, FINLAND and NORWAY to wide international audiences. The programming offers a glimpse into the contemporary Nordic filmmaking.

Selected short films for NORDIC FILM DAYS 2018/2019>>> 

TransitFilmBazaar will organize a pilot touring cinema project NORDIC FILM DAYS 2018/2019 in different countries&cities across Europe and beyond///starting in October2018
Our creative Nordic short film selection is now made of more than 30 short film productions made by young film directors from Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Norway///stay connected for news on all planned cities/countries where we will screen in coming weeks
@thanks to all Nordic film directors for their submissions
Presented in cooperation with the Nordics

Our touring film selection for EUROPANORAMA 2018/2019 is now made of more than 40 newest short films (animation, fiction, documentar, experiment) from different EU and European film directors>>>stay tuned for more info on all cities/countries where we will screen in coming weeks///
Thanks to all European film directors for their submissions!!!
Presented in cooperation with the Delegation of EU in Lebanon and other local partners (municipalities, Embassies, cinemas, libraries, culture institutes etc.) in different project countries

Transit Film Bazaar will organize OSLO INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2018 at Deichman Library in Oslo (Norway) in November2018
@stay tuned for news and more information on this int. short film event in Oslo (NOR)
©presented in cooperation with Deichman Library and Oslo Kommune

Transit Film Bazaar is going to organize and present new pilot touring cinema project NORDIC FILM DAYS 2018/2019 soon in different countries&cities across Europe and beyond///starting in September2018
🎬 more info coming soon in August///stay connected for news
©presented in cooperation with Nordics

We go From Ljubljana (Slovenia-EU) to LEBANON (Beirut - Tyre - Tripoli) very soon in September2018 with EuroPanorama program of young European cinema!
Ljubljana Int.Short Film Festival (LISFF) and TransitFilmBazaar will organize ZOOM EU SHORT FILM DAYS 2018 in Beirut, Tyre and Tripoli in Lebanon in the end of September2018, we are in preparations. 
We will present EUROPANORAMA program of newest European short and documentary films from different European countries to Lebanese audiences this time.

More info on our educational film screenings in LEBANON will soon be published here on our website>>>

It's showtime for great shorts and docs at DOKUBAZAAR 2017 in Ljubljana (SLO) now!

Free your mind with our international selection, Danish and Finnish doc focus as well as Australian zoom at DOKUBAZAAR2017 festival project in Ljubljana!
Ljubljana (SLOVENIA)
Final program and screening schedule is available here>>>

LISFF and Transit Film Bazaar are in charge of DOKUBAZAAR 2017 short and documentary film days project in Ljubljana (Slovenia) scheduled to take place between the 20th - 22nd of November 2017 at 3 different venues (Rog - Pritlicje - Tresor) in the centre of Ljubljana. All screenings are educational and free of charge for audiences. 

Official programming and screening schedule for DOKUBAZAAR 2017 in Ljubljana is now available here>>>

Next edition of LISFF - TransitFilmBazaar2017 film screenings is under preparations@stay tuned for more info in coming days!
///The LISFF festival in Ljubljana is now over, thanks to all participating film directors and audiences!
...great stories and newest short films from all around the world@next edition of LISFF screenings coming soon!>stay tuned for the news!

locations_ROG/SecondHome/&TrubarLiteratureHouse in Ljubljana (SLO)

8th edition of LISFF transnational short film festival presents a mixture of more than 60 newest short films of different styles (fiction, animation, documentary, experiment) coming from around 20 different countries/www.lisff.blogspot.com/the festival is educational, non-commercial and non-political/ All films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles. Entrance to the screenings is free.

LISFF2017 / TransitFilmBazaar event will take place in Ljubljana (SLO) between the 12th - 14th of May 2017 at 2 venues. Official film program will be shown at art, social and culture center ROG (Second Home venue) and at Trubar Literature House. Final programming is under preparations and will be released on the 5th of May 2017.


Dear film directors,
Dear audience,
LISFF2017 is being postponed to later period this year (May or September).

Due to the current weak organizational conditions and low local support in Ljubljana as well as strong budgetary cuts, the festival is unfortunatelly forced to be postponed for couple of weeks. We hope to come back soon.
Thanks for your understanding,
The LISFF2017 Team


Getting ready for short films in Ljubljana/slo/
04_april >>> 06_april_2017 at art&culture center Rog (SecondHome)
ENTRANCE FREE_final program and screening schedule will be released on the 31st of March///lisff2017 will present around 40newest short films from 15 different countries///
Short films are best films!

Official film program for LISFF2017 is now under preparations. The festival is planned to take place in the 1st week of April 2017. More information will be available soon.

LISFF2017 and festival's program in Ljubljana is supported by The Embassy of Norway in Budapest (Hungary) and The Embassy of Spain in Ljubljana (Slovenia).   


Official call for submissions to LISFF2017 is now open until the 1st of December 2016

Application form with regulations is now available here below>>>


YOUTH FILM&PHOTO WORKSHOPS in Ljubljana (SLO) – “Ljubljana, my city”

In September and October 2016 in frame of our international film event Youth Film Festival 3LITTLEWOLVES in Ljubljana (SLO), in cooperation with APIS Institute in Ljubljana, we organized participatory photography and video workshops Ljubljana, my city. 

We used photo and video to explore how 12 to 14-year-old youth perceive the city they live in.

In the end of this film and photo project in November 2016 we prepared a photo exhibition in Trubar Literature House in the centre of Ljubljana, presented a printed photo booklet and postcards made during this project. Each participant chose two to three pictures for the exhibition. The workshops were supported by Municipality of Ljubljana, culture space Trubarjeva hiša literature in Ljubljana, Primary school Valentin Vodnik in Ljubljana, Canon (SLO) and Sony (SLO).

Short films made by young participants of our film and photo works are available for the pre-view here>>>

Ljubljana, naša okolica (2min)

Delovni dan (3min)

Ljubljana is not New York (3min)

8th edition of ljubljana international short film festival is planned to take place in the beginning of February 2017>>>more info and official open call for submissions of short films to LISFF2017 coming soon

ljubljana international short film festival2015

17film events
20cinema/screening locations

Ljubljana - Oslo - Munich - Jerusalem - Tirana - Prishtina - Tel Aviv - Skopje - Sofia - Beograd - Novi Sad - Osijek - Zagreb - Maribor
@season 2016 under preparations///more info coming soon!
(in past seasons TransitFilmBazaar and Ljubljana International Short Film Festival were present also in Copenhagen - Vienna - Graz - Helsinki - Budapest)
©active since 2006

Final stop for Hungarian short films ZOOM HUNGARY 2015 by TransitFilmBazaar and Ljubljana International Short Film Festival will be Ljubljana (SLO) and Maribor (SLO) between the 16th and 17th of November 2015_
photo gallery from ZOOM HUNGARY 2015 in Skopje - Sofia - Beograd - Novi Sad - Osijek - Zagreb between the 25th - 30th of October2015>>>

TransitFilmBazaar (slo/sk) and LjubljanaInternationalShortFilmFestival (slo) going now Skopje - Sofia - Beograd - Novi Sad - Osijek - Zagreb between the 25th - 30th of October2015 with new ZOOM HUNGARY 2015 short film evenings_
Official selection of Hungarian short films to be screened at this event and information on all screening locations is now available here below>>>
@more news on facebook TransitFilmBazaar

TransitFilmBazaar /slo/ produced by LjubjanaInternationalShortFilmFestival is now bringing ZoomHungary2015 short film fest to Skopje /mk/ - Sofia /bg/ - Beograd /srb/ - Novi Sad /srb/ - Zagreb /hr/ - Osijek /hr/ and Sarajevo /bih/ in the end of October@bringing short films to the people!@more info coming soon!
Final programming for our next stop in Tel Aviv is now ready. We will screen ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT at Tel Aviv Cinematheque www.cinema.co.il on the 3rd of July 2015_

Entrance to all screenings is free_
We are presenting selection of newest international short and documentary film productions from different countries with special NORDIC focus on Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish filmmakers. All films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles.

Program for Tel Aviv is now available here below@


Our next stop for short films will be Tel Aviv (Israel). We are in charge of ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT 2015 at Tel Aviv CINEMATHEQUE on the 3rd of July 2015_
More information will be released soon@
PHOTO GALLERY from ChildrenFirst2015 film festival in Ljubljana (SLO) which we have co-produced and organized last week between the 29th - 31st of May 2015>>>

LISFF2015 is the organizational partner of CHILDREN FIRST: Anthropological Film Festival of Children and Youth in Ljubljana (SLO)_
Preparations for short and documentary film screenings in frame of CHILDREN FIRST: Anthropological Film Festival of Children and Youth in Slovenia are in final stage. We are organizing this film festival between the 29th - 31st of May in Ljubljana. Final programming and screening schedule is now available on our offficial website for this film festival/

LISFF2015 will be in charge of ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT 2015 in Tel Aviv (Israel) on the 3rd of July 2015 at Tel Aviv Cinematheque. Special focus will be given to the promotion of Nordic cinema (Norway, Sweden, Finland) and especially newest short films from Norway. 

Entrance to all screenings will be free. More info will be available soon…

PHOTO GALLERY from ZOOM short film screenings in Prishtina (Kosovo) and Tirana (Albania) in May>>>

ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT 2015 in Prishtina (Kosovo) and in Tirana (Albania) will take place between the 12th – 16th of May 2015_

Entrance to all screenings is free>>>

Teatri ODA
Prishtina (Kosovo)
Program is available here>>>
Tulla Culture Center
Tirana (Albania)
Program is available here>>>
Tirana Ekspres
Tirana (Albania)
Program is available here>>>

LISFF will be in charge of ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT 2015 short film screenings in Prishtina (Kosovo), Gracanica (Kosovo) and Tirana (Albania) between the 12th - 16th of May 2015_
More info will be available soon_

7th Ljubljana International Short Film Festival in pictures_>>>


The programme for LISFF 2015 is now available HERE>>>

The 7th edition of LISFF transnational short film festival will present more than 70 newest short films of different styles coming from around 20 different countries. All films will be screened digitally in original languages with English subtitles. 
The festival will traditionally be hosted by Klub Gromka www.klubgromka.org at Alternative Culture Center on Metelkova street in the centre of Ljubljana (SLO) during three (3) festival days between the 30th of March 2015 and the 1st of April 2015.

ENTRANCE to all screenings is FREE>>>

Additional information on the planned transnational and retrospective presentations of LISFF2015 will be available continually in coming months. All events of LISFF2015 across Europe are at the moment under preparations.


Call for entries for LISFF 2015 is now closed.  More than 300 films were submitted. The programme will be anounced on March 25th.


LISFF on the road from Oslo to Jerusalem.


LISFF is again on the move and its next two stations for short films will be Oslo (Norway) and Jerusalem (Israel).

Between the 8th and 9th of March 2015 we are presenting OSLOKORTFILMBY international short film festival project at art and culture venue Kulturhuset i Oslo located at Youngstorget street 3

Official programming and screening schedule for Oslo is now available HERE

On the 11th of March 2015 we are moving further to Jerusalem where we will present ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT 2015 at Jerusalem Cinematheque located at Hebron Rd 11

Official programming and screening schedule for Jerusalem is now available HERE

ENTRANCE TO ALL SCREENINGS IS FREE. All short films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles.


Call for entries to LISFF 2015 is open until 10th March 2015. 


The next stop for LISFF will be Oslo (Norway) and Jerusalem (Israel) in the beginning of March 2015. LISFF will be in charge of OSLKORTFILMBY2015 at Kulturhuset in Oslo between the 8th and 9th of March 2015 and ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT 2015 at Jerusalem Cinematheque on the 11th of March 2015.

More info will be available soon...

ZOOM gallery from Munich>>>


LISFF is on the move again and will be in charge of ZOOM SHORT FILM NIGHT 2015 in Munich (Germany). Short film night will take place on the 4th of February 2015 at art cinema WERKSTATTKINO (Fraunhoferstrasse 9) 
www.werkstattkino.de between 15_00 and 22_30>>>

2nd edition of ZOOM short film NIGHT in Munich will bring a selection of newest short of different styles and approaches from young film directors from many different countries and the programming represents a glimpse into the current, mostly independent and non – commercial international filmmaking. Final programming includes special focus on Swedish, Israeli and Norwegian filmmakers.

Official programming and screening schedule is now available HERE.

All films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles.
Entrance to all screenings is free of charge.

The event is being organized in cooperation with Swedish, Norwegian and Israeli Embassies accredited to Germany. 
ZOOM GALLERY from Budapest >>> 
                                         24/11/2014>>>MUSZI art venue www.muszi.org





Next stop>>> Budapest (Hungary)

BUDAPEST (Hungary)
Art center MUSZI >>>www.muszi.org 

PROGRAMMING is available here>>>


ZOOM film events of LISFF2014 in Kosovo, Macedonia and in Bulgaria have now been successfully presented to wide audiences in the region. The gallery from all screenings in Prishtina (Kosovo), Gracanica (Kosovo), Skopje (Macedonia) and Sofia (Bulgaria) is now available here>>>








LISFF2014 will be on tour with its ZOOM retrospective short film events and international short film initiatives in Skopje (Macedonia), Sofia (Bulgaria), Prishtina (Kosovo), Gracanica (Kosovo) and in Budapest (Hungary) between the 9th – 24th of November 2014.

Official programming (s) for the upcoming regional screenings and events of LISFF2014 are now available below>>>

SKOPJE (Macedonia)
Art center and cafe MENADA
PROGRAMMING is available here>>>

SKOPJE (Macedonia)
Book cafe MAGOR
PROGRAMMING is available here>>>

Teatri ODA
PROGRAMMING is available here>>>

Alternative Culture Center Gracanica
PROGRAMMING is available here>>>

SOFIA (Bulgaria)
Hungarian Cultural Institute
PROGRAMMING is available here>>>

BUDAPEST (Hungary)
Art center MUSZI
PROGRAMMING is available here>>>


LISFF2014 on tour retrospective screenings in Kosovo (Prishtina&Gracanica), Macedonia (Skopje), Bulgaria (Sofia), Norway (Oslo) and Hungary (Budapest) scheduled for November 2014 are now under preparations. More info will be available soon>>>

gallery from LISFF2014 tour at oslo short cuts 2014 /NORWAY/>>>



LISFF2014 will be again on the move in May and will be in charge of OSLO SHORT CUTS 2014 short film days in Oslo (Norway) between the 20th and 21st of May 2014 at art space SOUND OF MU (Markveien 58) www.soundofmu.no
Official programming for LISFF2014 retrospective and international short film days in Oslo is now available here>>>

LISFF2014 gallery from ZOOMshort&docFILMNIGHT in Tirana (Albania)



Short cuts to ZOOM in Tirana (Albania)
ZOOM vjen në Tirana Ekspres

Shfaqja e filmave nis në ora 15:00 në Tirana Ekspres, një hapësirë arti tanimë e dëshmuar dhe mbështetëse e madhe e artit në Shqipëri. “Shadowlands” nga Michel Pavlou nis i pari e më pas vazhdojnë edhe “Spacewrecked”, “Behind the Door” dhe “Water Lilies in Bloom” filmat tjerë nga Norvegjia, përderisa fokusi mbi filmin suedez nis me “Take to the woods” nga Kristina Frank dhe filma nga regjisorë si Maria Eriksson dhe Sascha Fulscher.
Një film që flet mbi përzierjen dhe analogjinë mes proceseve kinematografike dhe atyre historike. Një tjetër, flet mbi memorien njerëzore dhe hapësirën, dy koncepte që nuk rrojnë të ndara. Zbrazëtirat që krijohen tek një femër kur ajo humb mashkullin e saj, edhe ky është imazh filmi.
Të tilla histori do të vijnë më 14 prill në kryeqytetin shqiptar, në hapësirën Tirana Ekspres kjo në kuadër të programit ZOOM- dita e shfaqjes së filmave dokumentarë dhe atyre të metrazhit të shkurtër e të përzgjedhur nga Ljublana International Film Festival. ZOOM, sivjet sjell një përzgjedhje filmike të zhanreve të ndryshme nga regjisorë të shteteve evropiane, me fokus Norvegjinë, Suedinë dhe pjesën ballkanike. Iniciativa synon të sjellë regjisorë të rinj dhe prurje të reja filmike që servojnë histori të ndryshme për shikuesin.


LISFF moves now to Tirana (Albania) and will be in charge of ZOOM short&doc FILM NIGHT at Tirana Ekspres www.tiranaekspres.com on Monday the 14th of April 2014.

ZOOM short and doc film NIGHT 2014 in Tirana will present retrospective of newest short and documentary films of different styles from LISFF2014 with the special focus on Norwegian and Swedish filmmakers in the upcoming April edition of ZOOM film event in Tirana. The initiative is being organized in kind cooperation with Norwegian Embassy in Kosovo and Swedish Embassy in Albania.

Official programming and screening schedule for the 14th of April 2014 at Tirana Ekspres is now available HERE>>>

All films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles.

The whole event will be held from 14_00 until 01_00 and entrance to all screenings is free.


After three festival days in Ljubljana (SLO) last week LISFF2014 will hit the road in April and will be in charge of film event ZOOMshort&docFILM NIGHT in Tirana (Albania) with its touring retrospective screenings. The event is under construction at the moment and is scheduled to take place on the 14th of April 2014 at art space TIRANA EKSPRES. More information about the final programming and screening schedule is coming soon>>>


Photo gallery from LISFF2014 in Ljubljana>>>





>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LJUBLJANA SHORT CUTS



The 6thth edition of LISFF transnational short film festival will present 61 short films of different styles coming from 26 different countries. All films will be screened digitally in original languages with English subtitles. Entrance to the screenings is free. The festival will traditionally be hosted by Klub Gromka www.klubgromka.org on Metelkova street in the centre of Ljubljana (SLO) during three (3) festival days between the 11th and 13th of March 2014.

Official programming is now available here

Different screening blocks will be projected each day during the festival from 17_00 until 23_00 at Klub Gromka.

Information on the upcoming transnational educational screening retrospectives and presentations of LISFF2014 in other European cities and in the Balkan region will be continuosly available on our website in coming months. LISFF2014 transnational presentations in season 2014 are at the moment under construction planned to take place for example in Tirana (Albania), Belgrade (Serbia), Oslo (Norway), Budapest (Hungary) etc...more info coming soon>>>



Ljubljana International Short Film Festival - An Unexpected Experience

"Two weeks ago Tiefensucht represented the austrian film at the Ljubljana Short Film Festival in Slovenia. As director I was invited to stay for two days. I didn't have any clue about this festival, nor have I ever been in Slovenia before, and since the Festival administration wrote, that they booked a hotelroom for me in the fanciest hotel in town, I decided to come. When I arrived at the Hotel Celica I noticed that it actually was a hostel. I was wondering a bit, but didn't care. I went in, received the keys to my room immediately by two very nice girls at the front desk. I moved with my stuff to the first floor, where my room was supposed to be. When I walked down the hallway I noticed, that all the room doors were very tight next to each other. Then I finally reached my door, opened it and stood right in front of a steel bar door. I thought: Damn that looks like a prison cell! I looked around in the hallway and finally noticed, that I was actually standing in a real prison. There were even the signs with the prisoner names next to each door. While the other rooms looked a little bit more like hostel rooms with a wooden floor and normal beds, the festival managed to actually give me the room, that still had this cold brick stone floor, windows with bars, and simple black furniture that gave the feeling of living in a cave. There was not even a table in the room, but I loved it. I felt a little bit like Karl May during his creative process. Later on I figured out, that this was a military prison which was seized twenty years ago with the Area around it, which now is an art place with galleries, sculptures, lots of spray paintings, bars, clubs and a skater park. It is a very creative place I enjoyed a lot. And in the middle there was the Film festival. A very tiny but inspiring Festival, which will grow bigger every year for sure. I can only recommend going there as long as it is still noncommercial. The Slovenians are nice people, except when they are police officers charging tourists 80 Euros for jaywalking. Yes they caught me and Orsolya, another filmmaker, but we could bargain..."



ZOOM short&doc FILM NIGHT in Munich 2014_ShortCuts


Call for submissions to LISFF2014 is now closed. Around 150 entries from many different countries are now under considerations in already running pre - view and selection round for the final programming of LISFF which is scheduled to take place between the 11th - 13th of March 2014 at Klub Gromka in Ljubljana. Official programming for the upcoming 6th edition of the festival will be released in the end of February 2014. More info about the festivals' progress is coming soon...


LISFF is on the move again and will be in charge of ZOOM SHORT&DOC FILM NIGHT in Munich (Germany). Film night is scheduled to take place on the 27th of January 2014 at art cinema WERKSTATTKINO (Fraunhoferstrasse 9) www.werkstattkino.de

Presented will be selection of newest Austrian and Norwegian short and documentary films together with Balkan short films' retrospective from LISFF2013. Projections will start at 15_00 and end at 22_00. All films will be screened in digital format in original languages with English subtitles. Entrance to the screenings is free of charge.

Official programming for ZOOM SHORT&DOC FILM NIGHT 2014 in Munich (GER) is now available here


Call for short film entries of all styles and genres to transnational short film festival LISFF2014 is now open until the 15th of January 2014. Entry form is available here_


LISFF moves now to Graz (AUT) and will be in charge of GRAZ SHORT FILM NIGHT 2013 film event scheduled to take place between the 11th and 12th of November 2013 at art cinema Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino located in the centre of Graz.


LISFF2013 is in on the move again and will be in charge of ZOOM SWEDEN contemporary short and documentary film day in Skopje (Macedonia). Ten (10) newest Swedish short and documentary films will be presented to wide Skopje audiences on the 15th of September 2013 at cultural house MENADA in the centre of Skopje at ČARŠIJA strarting at 7pm local time. Entrance to all screenings is free. The event is produced in cooperation with the Swedish Embassy in Skopje.


ZOOM AUSTRIA in Skopje (MK) in now over. Thanks to all participating Austrian filmakers as well as to Macedonian audiences who joined the screenings and discussions during the presentation at cultural house Menada at Čaršija in Skopje.



LISFF2013 is moving to Skopje (Macedonia) and will be in charge of ZOOM AUSTRIA short film day on the 12th of May 2013. The event will introduce young Austrian cinema to Macedonian audiences at cultural house Menada at Čaršija in the centre of Skopje. Official programming is now available here.


Festivals' main film happening and presentation in Ljubljana is now over.  Touring retrospectives of LISFF2013 in Europe are under construction, more info will be available soon...

The 5th edition of LISFF transnational short film festival will present 82 short films of all styles coming from 27 different countries. All films will be screened digitally in original languages with English subtitles. Entrance to the screenings is free. The festival will traditionally be hosted by Klub Gromka www.klubgromka.org on Metelkova street in the centre of Ljubljana (SLO) during 3 festival days between the 1st and 3rd of April 2013.

Official programming is now available here.

Different screening blocks will be projected each day during the festival from 16_00 until 24_00 in Klub Gromka.

Information on all additional transnational educational screenings and presentations of LISFF2013 in other European cities and in the region will be continuosly available on our website in coming months. LISFF2013 transnational screenings are at the moment under construction planned to take place for example in Skopje (Macedonia), Graz (Austria), Oslo (Norway)...


Call for entries to LISFF2013 is now closed. Thanks to all film directors who have found their way for the pre – selection round of our transnational short film festival in Ljubljana. More than 150 short films of different styles and lengths from 30 different countries have been submitted to the festival this year. Official programming is at the moment under construction and final selection will be released on the 15th of March 2013.

LISFF2013 will traditionally take place in Klub Gromka at Metelkova Art Zone in the centre of Ljubljana during three festival days between the 1st – 3rd of April 2013. Additional transnational educational retrospective screenings of LISFF2013 are also planned to take place throughout the year in other European cities. Detailed information is coming soon...


Call for short film entries of all styles and genres to the 5th edition of transnational short film festival LISFF2013 in Ljubljana is open until the 15th of February 2013. Entry form is available here.


Last stop for LISFF2012 transnational retrospective will be Graz (AUT) as a part of Graz Short Film Night 2013 which is going to take place on the 7th of February 2013 at Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino. Entrance to the screenings is free.


LISFF2012 goes now Oslo (NOR) and connects with OSLO SHORT CUTS 2012. Transnational retrospective screenings of LISFF in Oslo will take place between the 18th – 19th of November 2012 at Cinemateket. Official programming and screening schedule is now available here.


LISFF moves now to Graz (AUT) with its BalkanFilmBazaar selection from LISFF2012. Educational festivals' presentation will take place on the 5th of November 2012 at art cinema Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino located in the centre of Graz. All screenings are free of charge and the official programming for Balkan retrospective in Graz is now available here.


First international LISFF retrospective this year goes now Oslo (NOR). BalkanFilmBazaar selection from LISFF2012 will be presented to wide Oslo audiences on Monday the 19th of March 2012 in CINEMATEKET http://www.nfi.no/ located on the Dronningens Gate 16 in the centre of Oslo. All screenings are free of charge. Detailed programming for Oslo retrospective is now available here.


LISFF2012 in Ljubljana (SLO) had been successfully presented to Ljubljana audiences this week. Big thanks goes to all visiting audiences of the festival and all participating film directors who alltogether contibuted to the colorful atmosphere of our independent short film festival in Klub Gromka. Festivals' touring retrospectives in Europe are now under construction, more info will be available soon...


LISFF2012 will present final selection of 100 short films (fiction, animation, documentary, experiment, dance, musical etc.) from 40 different countries in Klub Gromka www.klubgromka.org on Metelkova in the centre of Ljubljana (SLO) during 3 festival days between the 5th and 7th of March 2012.

Official programming is now available here.

All short films will be screened in digital format in original languages with English subtitles.

Entrance to all screenings is free. Different screening blocks will be projected each day during the festival from 16_00 until 24_00 in Klub Gromka.

Information on all additional educational screenings and presentations of LISFF2012 in other European cities and in the region will be continuosly available on our website in coming months. International educational presentations and retrospectives of LISFF (the best of LISFF2012 and BALKAN FILM BAZAAR) are at the moment under construction planned to take place in Oslo (NOR), Vienna (AUT) and in Graz (AUT). More info coming soon...


Call for short film entries is now closed. Thanks to all film directors who have submitted their creative short film (s) to LISFF2012.

We have received colorful variety of over 100 short films from all over the world to the 4th edition of LISFF which is about to take place between the 5th and 7th of March 2012 in Klub Gromka in Ljubljana. Submitted short film entries have arrived from over 30 different countries ranging from Finland, Germany, Portugal, Ukraine, Slovenia, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Turkey, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan to Australia, Namibia, Zambia, Cuba, Canada etc.

Official selection and detailed programming will be released after the 20th of February 2012.


Call for short film entries of all styles and genres to LISFF2012 is now open until the 15th of January 2012. Entry form is available here.


Next stop of LISFF2011 on tour will be Graz (AUT). Festivals' retrospective will be part of GRAZ SHORT FILM NIGHT 2011 which is going to take place on the 25th of May 2011 in the art centre FORUM STADTPARK (Stadtpark 1) located in the centre of Graz. Special focus of this film event is given to young Swiss cinema.

Official programming of this international short film happening in Graz (AUT) is now available here.


We are glad to announce that LISFF2011 goes north also this year and will be organizing educational and cultural screenings of selected short films also in Helsinki (FIN) and Oslo (NOR) in April 2011.

LISFF2011 will be a part of HELSINKI SHORT CUTS 2011 film festival in Finland with the presenations of its  BALKAN FILM BAZAAR selection as well as international selection. The screenings will be organized in Kino Engel in Helsinki between the 9th and 10th of April 2011.

Additional LISFF2011 screenings will take place also during BALKAN FILM BAZAAR in Oslo on the 12th of April 2011 and OSLO SHORT FILM NIGHT on the 13th of April 2011. Both educational and cultural films screenings will be organized in Cinema Neuf in Oslo.

Entrance to all educational screenings and retrospectives of LISFF2011 on tour in Helsinki (FIN) and Oslo (NOR) are free. Both festivals' presentations in Finland and Norway are aiming to introduce Balkan and international short filmakers to wide European audiences.


LISFF2011 will present final selection of 85 short films (fiction, animation, documentary, experiment) from 27 different countries in Klub Gromka on Metelkova in Ljubljana during 3 festival days between the 14th and – 16th of March 2011. Official program is now available here.

All short films will be screened in digital format with English subtitles.

Info about accompanying event "Things, we do on Sundays" is available here.

Entrance to all screenings is free.


Call for entries to LISFF2011 is now closed.

Alltogether 130 short films from 27 different countries ranging from FinlandSlovakiaRussiaSpainSloveniaTurkeyIranArmenia to USA have been submitted to the festival this year. Official selection will be released in the end of February. Festivals' programming structure will consist of different sections: WORLDS (international selection), ZOOM (focus on Austria and Finland) and BALKAN FILM BAZAAR (regional selection). Main festival screenings will be organized between the 14th – 16th of March in Klub Gromka on Metelkova.

Additional educational and multicultural presentations of LISFF2011 are planned to take place also in Helsinki (FIN), Oslo (NOR) and Graz (AUT) in coming months. Detailed information about all screenings will follow in coming weeks. All festival screenings are fee of charge.

LJUBLJANA INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL represents a living platform for presentations of creative short films in Ljubljana and a meeting point between organizers, audiences and film directors. The festival is organizing presentations and screenings of local, regional and international short film productions of all genres (fiction, documentary, experiment, animation, other) with educational and cultural values to wide Slovenian and European audiences and is of non – commercial and social character. All activities of LISFF are aiming to give a chance to young and creative filmakers from Slovenia, Balkan region and all around the world to present their creative short films to new audiences.


After two LISFF2010 retrospectives in Oslo (april_2010) and in Vienna (may_2010) the festival is closing its 2010 European educational tour in February 2011 with the Balkan short film selection presentations in Graz (AUT). The screenings in Graz will take place between the 7th and 8th of February 2011 in art cinema Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino and detailed festivals' retrospective programming is available here.